edit: The use of the word “collabo” in this post is a variation on last week’s How do you say “collabo” in Italian post in no way intended to suggest that Louis Vitton or Cycles Victoire have collaborated or intend to collaborate with any occupying armies- Nazi or otherwise- in the past, present, or future. Any offense caused by the use of the term was completely unintentional and for that I apologize.
Apology for offense resulting from the bicycle depicted in these images, on the other hand, is really in the collaborators’ (polo) court.
Via Selectism:
While the world of bicycle polo will shed a single tear as they see their sport being taken to new levels of luxury, others will appreciate the hand crafted work involved in fabricating the toe straps, mallet, and leather bar wraps used by Intersection Magazine in this shoot with Louis Vuitton. But they worked with bicycle polo players you say? Yes. Intersection was shown mood boards at Vuittons’ HQ. There they saw the early stages of what we have here. Custom straps and mallet, and even the chainring received special attention from Victoire. We like.
Jump the shark break for more images…