Hydrapak has just released their new PureBot water bottle, which claims to be the safest and first/only water bottle that’s “EA” free. What’s EA? I’d heard of BPA (Bisphenol-A), but had to ask, too, and here’s their perfectly crafted, no-need-to-rewrite response:
“BPA is just one ball shrinking chemical in plastics…The new Hydrapak Purebot sports water bottle is the first Plastipure® certified EA-Free plastic sports water bottle on the market! Almost all plastics sold today release chemicals that have estrogenic activity (EA). While estrogens (the female sex hormones) occur naturally in the body, many scientific studies have shown that significant health problems can occur when chemicals are ingested that mimic or block the actions of these female sex hormones. This EA commonly occurs when harmful chemicals leach from plastics into the water and food we consume. Young children, infants and the fetus are particularly vulnerable and sensitive to chemicals having EA.”
Health related problems due to ingesting chemicals exhibiting EA are:
• Early puberty in females
• Reduced sperm counts in males
• Altered functions of reproductive organs
• Obesity
• Altered rates of growth
• Altered behaviors
• Increased rates of some breast, ovarian, testicular and prostate cancers
The Hydrapak Purebot retails for $9.99 (24oz bottle), is EA-free, has a large screw-top lid and is available in Continuous Sinuous (Blue) or Grasslands (Green).  It fits in normal cycling water bottle cages.