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Infographic: The Ultimate Guide to Bicycle Safety

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Chances are, if you’re a regular reader, there probably isn’t much to this infographic that you don’t already know. However, if you’re unsure of cycling laws or just what are the best ways to stay safe on a bike this is a pretty good place to start. Sent to us by The Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel, while they would prefer you stay safe on your bike, they just happen to represent cyclists in Bicycle accidents.

Bicycle Safety

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Chris C
Chris C
11 years ago

This is a pretty mediocre repetition of the status quo driver centric rules for ‘cyclists’. Laws are mixed in with the authors’ personal preferences, there is an exaggerated emphasis on helmets instead of safe riding techniques to avoid crashes (ITS NOT AN ACCIDENT). Wors t of all its just designed poorly- an essay masquerading as an infographic. Go to the League of american Bicyclists’ or your local or state advocacy org’s website for real info.

11 years ago

Looks more like an infotextic… for NYC. Good tid-bits though.

11 years ago

Not bad, but if the graphics mean so much, maybe different bike styles would make a bigger impact than repeating graphics of a drop bar fixed geat bike with no brakes or foot retention… Maybe include a mtn, hybrid, or kids bike…

11 years ago

As someone pointed out, this is for New York or New York City. (Every area in the U.S. has different laws regarding cycling, sometimes very different.)

Anyway I don’t think it was written by a cyclist.

11 years ago

Here’s a more useful guide:

1. Don’t hit cyclists with your car

2. If you do hit a cyclist with your car, stay at the scene of the crash to file a police repost. There’s no reason to fear speaking to the police, since you’ll only get a slap on the wrist or at most a small fine. If by some freak of nature you do get a pro-cyclist cop, take comfort in the fact that at least your insurance agent has your back.

3. Pay attention to the road, especially at night. It’s your responsibility as a driver to take all possible actions to avoid hitting any road hazard, such as wildlife, trees, construction equipment, potholes, and irresponsible cyclists and pedestrians who did not think to decorate themselves with lights. If you do hit a cyclist because you are distracted by a cell phone, loud music, kids, or food, just bring up the fact that the cyclist was not wearing a helmet. This is relevant to the police report and automatically alleviates any responsibility you may have had.

4. Bike paths and off-road park paths are the safest place to ride a bike, and they also keep bikes out of car lanes. The best way to encourage the construction and use of cycling infrastructure is to throw an infantile temper tantrum in the comments section of your local news when it’s announced that the route you commute on is going on a road diet. If that fails, point out that you pay taxes, and that anyone who owns a bike does not pay taxes, and therefore is acting entitled by asking for 2.5% of the DOT budget.

5. Bicyclists are encouraged to keep right, but they may use the full lane when the road does not permit safe passing within a single lane. If you would like to pass a cyclist, you have to make a snap judgment about the value of the 30 to 60 extra seconds it will take you to pass safely or to make it to the next light. If you estimate that your time is more valuable than a human life, you are permitted to pass less than 3 feet away. If you still cannot pass, honk your horn repeatedly, since the compression of the sound waves will make the cyclist move faster.

There we go. I’m all out of snazzy graphics, though. Can someone add some clip art of an SUV and/or middle finger? Perhaps a ghost bike?

H.E. Pennypacker
H.E. Pennypacker
11 years ago

@KAW: That list is amazing. Awesome.

11 years ago

What that guy said……

11 years ago

Wow KAW, you must live in Houston too!

11 years ago

@KAW: COTD right there.

11 years ago

Who signals a right turn with their left hand?! Left hand out = left turn! right hand out = right turn! no need to signal a stop, as it is required by law to leave enough room to other road users to be able to stop before hitting them. So if I slow down you know I’m about to stop…

11 years ago

Terrible advice. If you are going to listen to music, do it properly – that means both left and right channels. If you must restrict yourself to a single ear, you MUST down mix your audio to mono.

10 years ago

I like this graphic. Got some really helpful information on safety and it is presented in a very clear and direct way. Thanks for sharing…

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