Tyler posted the details on Neilpryde’s new Bura SL road bike back in June, but seeing as it was one of the few road bikes that pulled me from the aisles, how about some more photos from what must have been the darkest booth in the show?

Tyler posted the details on Neilpryde’s new Bura SL road bike back in June, but seeing as it was one of the few road bikes that pulled me from the aisles, how about some more photos from what must have been the darkest booth in the show?
These guys are slowly becoming a player. Doing it right. Slowly, on their own, building on the #1 position they have duly earned in windsurfing as a innovator in carbon.
Now, if they would just build the bike with hoods, and bars in a position that real riders use, rolled UP!
I would seriously consider buying one of these; they may becoming the Canyon of the U.S.
@Whatever said “Now, if they would just build the bike with hoods, and bars in a position that real riders use, rolled UP!”
You never change the fit of the bikes you buy? You want them to fit bikes for you at the factory? I don’t quite get this complaint. Hoods and bars are completely the preference and fit of the rider buying the machine. It’s a ridiculous thing to say.