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Kickstart Your Bike with a Rubbee: Quickly and Easily Turn Any Bike into an E-Bike and Back Again

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What’s a Rubbee, you ask?  Hmm, well, according to this Kickstarter page, it’s the opposite of that miserable bike trainer collecting dust under your bed. Rather than having a flywheel driven by your tire that makes you sweat while going nowhere, the Rubbee has a flywheel that drives your tire and allows you to get somewhere without sweating.  Join us after the break for more on this self-propelled little miracle.




Weighing in under 15lbs., the 20,000mAH, 800W Rubbee has a range of about 15 miles and a top speed of about 15 miles an hour, considerably less than some e-bikes out there, but enough to give you a nice boost.  With a 2 hour recharge time and the ability to recharge it off the bike, the   Rubbee might make a decent addition to your underused commuter.  It’s certainly better than dismantling a yard tool to mount the engine on the back of your bike.



An integrated rear red LED lights up automatically when the Rubbee is turned on.




The quick release clamp attaches the Rubbee to your seatpost.  There’s a throttle that mounts to your handlebar, but which can be left on the bike while the Rubbee is removed.




You can even get a Rubbee on your DH rig.

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11 years ago

It’s rather clever, I wouldn’t use it on a full suspension bike though, as the piston used to follow the wheel travel may interfere with the suspension design (like added frictions). But if someone really wanted this, he could just mod it to have a real shock with LSC/HSC/LSR/HSR 😀

A bit expensive, but that’s something I may actually consider on my commuter bike.

11 years ago

Clever indeed, and I would like one because the sole reason I don’t bike to work is because my work attire + the triple digit heat index mean I would be dripping with sweat upon arrival. Too bad they’re so pricey; a moped/scooter would be cheaper.

11 years ago

Really?! They do realize that, by design, a bicycle is intended to be human powered, right?
Seriously, pedal your damn bike! Stop being lazy and use it the way it was meant to be.
I just love the Quote: “…might make a decent addition to your underused commuter.”
Your commuter wouldn’t be underused, if you actually USED it.
But wait! There’s more!
It “…has a flywheel that drives your tire and allows you to get somewhere without sweating.”
If a motor on your bike is the only thing that inspires you to ride it because sweating seems to cumbersome, then you need to re evaluate why you have a bicycle in the first place.
I mean, seriously, you might as well cut your losses and take the bus. There are plenty of folks on Craigslist who would be more than happy to get a good deal on your bicycle that (Lob Forbid, they would have to PEDAL!). Even if it means they have to actually put in some effort.

11 years ago

yeah, it’s not as hideous as other electric motor kits out there. but it’s still ridiculously expensive.

Chris L
Chris L
11 years ago

@ topcheese:

Get your panties untwisted. If having an electric motor gets more people out riding then what’s the big deal? Better they use an electric bike to get from point A to point B than a car. Also not everyone might be fit enough to pedal up a steep hill with a load of groceries. Or a kid in tow. Or any number of other scenarios.

Also keep in mind some people (like the creator of the Tour de France) think using derailleurs is being lazy. If you’re a REAL rider you won’t rely on some sissy mechanical device to make it easier for you to pedal up that hill! 😉

11 years ago

It’s not RIDING, if you are not doing any work. If you want an E-Bike, get one. Don’t pussify your real bike.

11 years ago

@ topcheese:

I ride my bike every single day after work, 10+ miles of singletrack on a fully rigid SS mtb in triple digit heat indexes. If I want a handy box to allow me to enjoy my bike without getting sweaty in stuffy office clothes for my work commute, what is the problem with that?

11 years ago

@ topcheese:

I ride my bike every single day after work, 10+ miles of singletrack on a fully rigid SS mtb in triple digit heat indexes. If I want a handy box to allow me to enjoy my bike without getting sweaty in stuffy office clothes for my work commute, what is the problem with that? I can’t afford an additional bike and would vastly prefer using this device to using my car. It would make my bike double as a “vehicle” for work or groceries as well as keep it my fun exercise hobby.

askar larkinyar
askar larkinyar
11 years ago

very impressive, enough power to do a burn out on sand while not on the bike and to ride down stairs……..hmmmmm

11 years ago

I understand the appeal of ebikes, but what’s the advantage of this over a hub motor system like BionX? A hub motor is going to be more efficient, have a lower center of gravity, and contribute less to tire wear. I guess this system makes it quicker to switch back and forth between electric and not, but why? the price is approaching the price of a cheap dedicated ebike, which seems like a much better solution.

11 years ago

I think Topcheese is just worried about someone stealing his Strava KOMs on an ebike

Really though, I know so many people whose barrier to commuting is the fact that their places of business don’t have showers to accomidate a hot and sweaty ride to work in the Texas heat. If this can get you there without dripping buckets of sweat and requireing a wardrobe change, I’m all for it.

11 years ago

I actually laughed a little at the Strava line.

Seriously guys, I don’t mean to offend, I just can stand what the world has become sometimes.


11 years ago

My commuter bikes have fenders. ???

11 years ago

Fenders……and a rear rack to carry my panniers with all my work crap.

11 years ago

Nothing new really, I saw something like this in the 90’s… I see owners flying through tires just like old versions of this.

11 years ago

G hey. . .

its even got a triple

11 years ago


Lighten up, Francis.

11 years ago

Genius!…10+ by thinking outside the box!!!! For the haters….go brainstorm about something significant and be featured on the top of this page instead of leaving insignificant comments on the bottom. Its a different market target guys…

11 years ago

Do you know Solex…..? This product is the electric new one. More, you can switch your classic bike into a pedelec in few minutes. No fastidious mechanical challenge, just put it and ride it.
What’s wrong with that?

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