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Kickstarter Project: ReCycle Brand, Fresh Recycled Alloy Belt Drive Cruisers & Fixies

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recycle moshi moshi mbula mudmaste recycled aluminum frame nuvinci fixed gearIf you’ve not seen them yet, ReCycle is pioneering some gnarly looking bikes. Made in the USA from recycled aluminum, three bikes are set to constitute the brand. The upper end is a NuVinci 360 internal belt drive cruiser (right), and they trickle down to single speed cruiser (left), then fixie (center). They’re all designed without seat tubes with original fork designs, and conversation-piece track dropouts.

Click more for closeups, a video, and full rundown…

Recycle is shooting to go 100% full recycled aluminum for each frame and fork or as close as they can come to it. Frames are unisize and designed to fit riders from 5’1″ to 6’4″.

Depending on the specs each bike will retail between $2500 and $2000.

recycle mudmaste recycled aluminum nuvinci belt drive bike

The Mbula flagship model gets a Nuvinci N360 continuously variable hub linked to a Gates carbon belt drive, a rear disc brake, and bits of welding flare added throughout the frame. Pricing is $2500 for this setup.

recycle rear dropouts aluminum close detail

Each bike has big beefy horizontal track dropouts. Aesthetics were the main motivation behind the circular cutout.

recycle mudmaste cruiser recyled alloy frame

The Mudmaste can be purchased with internal gearing or single speed. The design is less swept back than the Mbula, more upright and borrowing a bit from BMX style. Disc brakes are on each wheel and the tires are more aggressive than either other model. Pricing is $2000 for single speed, $2500 for internal hub.

recycle mudmaste moshi moshi internal hub recycled aluminum fixed bike

The Moshi Moshi (right) is the fixed gear model with a standard chain, skinny tires, and velocity rims. A single caliper brake is mounted on the inside rear of the frame. Pricing is $2000.

For custom paint jobs, add $1000 to the order and they’ll do it up however you like. For full details visit the Kickstarter page. The goal hasn’t been met yet and there’s still a few days left to fund this project.


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12 years ago

Haha, wtf? Those are ridiculous. Look like fancy Costco bikes. No thousand dollar cruisers.

Ricky Bob
Ricky Bob
12 years ago

Recycled aluminum… Who cares?

12 years ago

First mistake was the approval of this business plan

12 years ago

So the “green” concept only applies to sourcing materials? No thought given to all the unnecessary waste in the manufacturing process it seems. All the styling on these bicycles requires additional machining and welding far beyond what a traditional frame would generate.
So how green are these in the end?

12 years ago

I champion their idea of recycled-aluminum bikes.

All I wish, is that they’d have a premium beer can option…. Where I send in my spent beer cans and a few weeks later it comes back as a bicycle. That would be awesome.

Doug B
Doug B
12 years ago

Almost all Aluminum has a major level of recycled content (as does steel), would be surprised if these bikes have much more recycled content than any other aluminum frame.

12 years ago

Actually ‘green’ would have been just refurbishing the existing bikes. Doesn’t make Consumers feel as unique though, I guess.

WV Cycling
12 years ago

I’m worried about that green fork if the bike is ever used for anything but “cruising.”

Loyd flanders
Loyd flanders
12 years ago

Different for the sake of being different! I’d melt those things down and start again. The aesthetic is to complicated, it takes away the the simplistic beauty of a bike

Jeff naumann
Jeff naumann
12 years ago

It’s cool whenever anyone tries to make bikes and biking a big part of their life.

12 years ago

The “ultimate expression of green cred” that liberally wastes material in “bits of welding flare” and no doubt extra thick tubing in order to compensate for the lack of a seattube. That’s pretty green. If you want to go green buy used frames and parts, or NOS. Fortunately it looks like it won’t reach its funding goal.

12 years ago

green washing, it’s so cool!

Psi Squared
Psi Squared
12 years ago

Here’s a crazy observation: all that aluminum they liberally wast in “bits of welding flare”: they can recycle that so that it’s not wasted.

12 years ago


Haha, your last line definitely sounds a bit schadenfreude, but I completely agree.

Kickstarter is a blessing for them. This way there’s no real harm done when they find out that no one is interested in their business model, rather than if they’d bootstrapped themselves and sunk $100,000 into a worthless company…

12 years ago

Well meaning – poor execution. Geez they are ugly!

12 years ago

IF, by “recycled” they mean that the major pieces are from a discarded structure -like an airplane fuselage or some industrial rig… then this would be very cool. the ugly designs would be explained by their repurposed nature.

but if these things are intentionally made with all this extra/unwanted/ugly/backward crap… then this is an abortion of a business plan.

Slow Joe Crow
Slow Joe Crow
12 years ago

I don’t suppose that they bothered to do a CAE analysis of their frame designs to find out how much that no seat tube design was costing then in strength and weight? The idea of using lots of recycled material is good, but a wasteful inefficient design defeats the purpose of the exercise.

12 years ago


Please buy used bicycles, not brand new crap.

12 years ago

The greeeeeener bicycle is the one that you never purchase….;

8 years ago

Those bikes are using brand new tubing 6061 aluminum. How can they say its recycled?

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