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Limited Edition Team 31 Ibis Exie USA Lands with Lightweight Mercury Silver Finish

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The Exie USA was the culmination of a big step for Ibis Bicycles. Their first bike to be built in the United States in their state-of-the-art solar-powered facility in Northern California, the Exie was an exercise in building a bike from carbon, and building it better. Naturally, that included making it as light as possible, which meant that Exies were sold without paint since their surface finish was so good that it didn’t require it. Paint also typically includes fillers, primers, and extensive finishing work that adds to the weight and cost of the build.

However, Ibis is back with another limited edition version of their Exie USA, this time with a full coat of paint.

Initially crafted for the elite UCI World Cup Cross Country Race Team, Team 31, the painted bikes represent another big step for Ibis. Given the carbon finish quality straight from the mold, Ibis claims that they were able to offer a painted frame without increasing the amount of finishing work or adding weight.

The limited edition Team 31 Exie USA models are finished with an “automotive-grade paint known for its durability and lightweight properties,” and finished with Team 31 decals. Ibis didn’t provide the weight of the frame, but if it didn’t add any weight to the current Exie USA, it should be around 2026g, or 4.47lbs (size medium, w/ shock).

These are only available through Ibis dealers and will sell for $4,499.99 for the frame.


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8 months ago

Looking good! I recently bought and built a USA exie. I’m really digging it – very comfortable and stable – plus good looking with unique lines and raw carbon finish. Got rid of my epic Evo 7 to make room for this one. TBH, this Exie is how I imagined/hoped that ee7 would ride.

8 months ago

You may be too young to remember, Zach, that Scot used to weld all Ibis frames in the US.

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