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Manual for Speed Brings Art and Cycling Together In “Artist Residency Program Volume One: Chaoscolormotiontracjectory” Summer Kit Series

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Once again, Manual For Speed is having a bike party and has invited all kinds of cool kids to it. Introducing Manual For Speed’s Artist in Residency Volume One, a series of kits designed by artists in the theme of “Chaoscolormotiontrajectory” (explained after the jump). The kits are manufactured by Castelli and new artists will roll out their take on the theme all Summer long. And, like anything from MFS, there are healthily ridiculous photoshoots involved. Roll on up to the craziest kit party of the summer after the jump…

manualforspeed_artistresidence_perry-2 manualforspeed_artistresidence_perry-11

This isn’t the first time Manual for Speed has smashed the art and cycling world together, having invited artists and bike and component manufacturers to dance in the Reach for the Dream campaign earlier this year. In Chaoscolormotiontrajectory, five contemporary artists were each given this brief:

“The Greatest Spectacle on Earth is so much more than bike racing but bike racing is in fact the heart & soul of the Greatest Spectacle on Earth. But what is it about bike racing that we love so much, is it the Chaos, the Color, the Motion and the Trajectory? Yeah, it’s that. Interpret that.”

And interpret they did.


The two artists have been released so far: Mike Perry (top images) and Jerry Inscoe. More will follow, including Zio Ziegler, Karan Singh, and Sigrid Calon. The kits are dynamic, colorful, and expressive- what Manual For Speed believes a cycling kit should be.

manualforspeed_aritstresidence_inscoe_dad-10 manualforspeed_aritstresidence_inscoe_dad-3

Watch for these to roll out in the coming weeks.


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riley martin
riley martin
9 years ago

PASS…..maybe i dont have the “eye” for the artsy stuff….but i can say with confidence that both of those are 100% awful looking…..buyer beware!!!

9 years ago

>Once again, Manual For Speed is having a bike party and has invited all kinds of cool kids to it.

I’m glad I’m not a cool kid.

9 years ago

Wow, this is why people who are not cyclist laugh at road bikers who wear things like this. I can appreciate the quirky side of cycling culture… but not not the weirdo side. To me it looks like the left over close out’s from the 80’s which some shops still have on the back rack with a foot of dust, sun damaged and permanent hangar creases. Maybe it’s best to act like a freak instead of looking like one.

9 years ago

The first one looks like a cartoonist puked on it.

The second one looks like a throwback from the 80’s.

9 years ago

The more I see these sort of examples of culture the more happy I am to stay clear of it. I just want to ride, and preferrably with like minded people. People who just want to ride.

Sometimes it can be so difficult to just ride when much of cycling culture tries to put meaning behind it.

9 years ago

Clearly they’re all ironic.

9 years ago

Love it, much rather these than something plastered with logos. Eff the haters, these are fun. i also am loving their tour coverage, a sort of what-its-like-to-be-there type of reports.

9 years ago

If you don’t “get it” you don’t “get it”. Simple as that. Style can’t be taught, or bought.

9 years ago

These kits are total crap. i really hate this ironic “oh IM so cool” stuff. inagree woth almost all the above commenters on this. There is absolutely no reason for me to upgrade my 10yr old Performance shorts and Primal Wear beer jersey! unless ofcourse its to get some Castelli PinaErello super racer gear, but onLY IN RED WHITE OR BLACK.

9 years ago

I’m actually unironically cool so I get away with whatever I want.

Mr. P
9 years ago

I don’t know which is more rad, the designs or the pics?!?! You gotta have some sack to wear these and a personality to fit. I love em.


9 years ago

Love MFS, the first kit is awesome and I will definitely grab it. Second one is okay, but I wouldn’t pay for it myself. I’ve met a lot of cyclists who’ll tell me they vehemently ‘dont’ get art’, which makes sense I guess, cycling is mostly about athletics and engineering. But, art isn’t something quantifiable, you don’t even really have to ‘get it’. Style is style and if you like it you like it- and you shouldn’t have to be called ‘weird’ or ‘ironic’ or some other low-vocabulary slur because of it.

Lester Yung
Lester Yung
9 years ago

I think a lot of people don’t like these kits because they aren’t very creative. It’s not really a matter of ‘getting it’, it’s just tired, old design that doesn’t really accomplish anything. But you know, consume if you want to.

9 years ago


9 years ago

@Lester I’m interested in specific examples of what you think is design that “accomplishes something” in the world of cycling kits (or even sports jerseys at large). If this is tired, old design what in your eyes is “fresh and new”?

riley martin
riley martin
9 years ago

these might as well be Primal AC/DC or Pink Floyd jersey’s…..or any one of their hideous designs….just not good…look away or you’ll turn to stone!

9 years ago

It’s always been my opinion that any artist, designer, architect, or creative wants their work to be polarizing. It invites discussion and passion. I would say both designers did that, especially the second kit, which I think is totally bad-ass.

9 years ago

I never thought I’d see something that makes the old Mapei kit look conservative.

9 years ago

bella zio zigler tutte mie figue bianke coloriaml

9 years ago

I understand that some people get scared with something different… don’t be, nobody force you to wear those.

9 years ago

Lol… The art-cyclist…

9 years ago

I’d marry her. Goofball Oakleys and all.

9 years ago

@Aaron: it’s true, style can’t be bought…..that’s especially so when referring to these kits.

9 years ago

I’ll add, while I don’t personally like their photography, I appreciate their dedication to a certain style. They certainly have that going for them, anyone who follows this little part of the market can spot a MFS photo from a mile away, for better or worse.

9 years ago

I prefer to by stuff that won’t wear out AND won’t look so last “season” in about 15 minutes.

At least they are made by Castelli so should have a decent “chamois” (or is it just called padding these days ?)
They got it 1/2 right.

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