Coming under the Hive’s e*Thirteen brand, they’ve got their first complete hubsets…theyd previously only had front hubs in their Chub line.
The XC hubs have an aluminum body and use their trademark oversize design to maximize the flange size an increase stiffness. They’ll have a variety of convertible axle options and come in reasonably light.
They’ve also got some carbon/alloy AM hubs that are super fat. Check ’em after the break…

The front XC hub is tool free convertible between 9mm QR and 15mm thru axle. The rear needs a tool or two to convert between 135 and 142. They haven’t decided if both end caps will ship with the hubs or be available separately. Weights are 165g front and 295g rear. All of the hubs are 6-bolt only, no Centerlock.

The AM version shares the axle swappability but jumps up to 15/20mm thru axles. Weights are 180g front and 350g rear, both with 28 or 32 spoke drillings. The hub on these uses a carbon fiber outer shell that’s bonded to the flanges and makes it super stiff.

One thing they’ve noticed is that the AM rims are building up stronger 29er wheels because of the taller flanges, and they’re light enough to build a reasonable trail bike up with big wheels.