More than any other bag, frame bags are best when custom. There are just too many front triangle shapes for a one-size-fits-most bag to fit well. You may get lucky, but more often than not you’ll find yourself stuffing an oddly shaped bag into your front triangle and wrenching down on the straps to make it work.

When Niner brought the SIR9 back earlier this year, they teased the idea of a custom bag that could make use of all the extra braze ons in the front triangle. Now, that bag is almost here. Available for preorder with a delivery expected for December 1st, Niner has unveiled the custom bag which is mad for them by Defiant Pack out of Carbondale, CO.
Since it’s custom, the bag is available in four sizes to perfectly match the four SIR9 frame sizes, and make it a perfect fit for the bolts – which means no straps are needed. No straps make for a better, more solid connection to the bike without the straps wearing into the frame’s finish. Built with taped seams and a flap for the zipper, the bag should be fairly water resistant. The bag itself is built with rigid side inserts and an internal divider to prevent bulging, and it features a forward hydration port so you can carry a bladder inside and keep the weight low. Available in only one color, the bags are priced at $180 – though it shouldn’t be too hard to get Defiant to whip you up something even more custom if you have to have another color.