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OPEN U.P.P.E.R. one ups their current bike with lighter weight, flat mount frame and fork

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The OPEN U.P. was already one of the most versatile and interesting bikes of the gravel world, but now it’s getting even better. While the frame is keeping all of the 700c x 40mm or 650b x 2.1″ tire capabilities, some of the biggest changes aren’t visible to the naked eye. Though you might feel them if you pick it up. Citing a change to the carbon layup, the U.P.P.E.R. frame weight drops to 870g (from 1100g) for the medium while providing a slight boost to the overall torsional stiffness and maintaining frame strength.

Combined with the new OPEN U-Turn fork at 375g, the OPEN U.P.P.E.R. now sits as the premium model in the OPEN line up with a few other details that will set it apart…

Part of the U.P.P.E.R.’s redesign includes the new OPEN U-Turn fork which reduces the weight to 375g while claiming to increase fore-aft compliance and providing clearance for a massive 650b x 2.5″ tire. Both the frame and the fork make the move to flat mount brakes, though the fork goes about it in a new way. Using bolts that thread through the front of the fork leg into the brake, the front flat mount is more like the flat mounts we’ve seen on the rear of many bikes. This design eliminates the front brake bracket adapter for the simplest form of attachment.

All photos c. OPEN

The fork also makes use of a new 12 x 100mm X-Lock thru axle from Carbon-Ti to lighten things up even further.

The same Carbon-Ti thru axle is used on the rear in a 142 x 12mm configuration. Flat mount brakes are used in the rear with the standard configuration with bolts mounted up through the chainstay. On the U.P.P.E.R. the front brake mount is meant for a 160mm rotor while the rear can run 140mm or 160mm with an adapter.

The U.P.P.E.R. maintains the use of a BB386EVO bottom bracket with a 36/50t max for a double, or 46/50t max for single rings (46t is limit for rings offset to the inside like SRAM rings, 50t is the limit for flat rings which offer better chainline). Offered only in matte black for the U.P.P.E.R., OPEN says this is due to the fact that their matte black is the lightest paint they have. Available now and shipping this month, price for the frameset (frame, fork, axles, and small parts) is set at $4500.


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8 years ago

Nice bike but unbelievable pricing, and there are plenty of other options out there.

8 years ago

basically inline with its 3t cousin now.
I was wondering who was going to be the first with pass through bolts for the front flat mount caliper…

8 years ago

Beautiful! very interesting how Vroomen is balancing both 3T and Open – interview to that point here: http://granfondo-cycling.com/3t-exploro-vs-open-u-p-interview-gerard-vroomen/

I do wish that with the acquisition of THM, they’d toss a THM M3 crank on the Open!

8 years ago
Reply to  lovethebike

Thanks for sharing the comparison.

8 years ago

An excellent bicycle getting better. Nice. I only wish that OPEN would push their price-drop technology.

8 years ago
Reply to  Norm

Hear, hear

8 years ago

Love the fork clearance, given that axle-to-crown!
Now if the rear triangle could just be “opened up” to a 650×2.4 (or 2.3) to match.

8 years ago

beautiful bike, if I could ever see my way to dropping $4.5K on any frame, much less a gravel frame.

8 years ago

Shame the original frame price hasn’t dropped now this one is available 🙂

I love the original U.P. but way too expensive.

8 years ago

Mr. Vroomen, I know you read the comments from time to time, so I plead: FENDER MOUNTS.

8 years ago
Reply to  Champs

Who would put fender mounts on a $4500 bike. Are you going to commute with it to work? And GV, charging 1500 more for a different layup? Those long bolts through the fork would negate a lot of that weight savings.

8 years ago
Reply to  mudrock

Why would someone *not* ride this bike to work, and are fenders a prerequisite for commuting? Is commuting the only application for which you feel fenders are useful? What if you merely wish to keep your feet and legs from getting soaking wet on a length winter ride? What if you want to keep your drivetrain cleaner on a rainy day?

A bike shop I used to work with here in the PNW sells a lot of Open frames, and they are constantly affixing clip-on fenders and other half-assed solutions, just so that their customers can ride their bikes without getting soaked.

Fenders are just a reality for riding in a large portion of the world. Pretending that no one wants or needs them because this is a “gravel” frame is just asinine.

8 years ago
Reply to  mudrock

I wouldn’t purchase a bike of this type, at any prices if it didn’t have fender mounts. Rack mounts are a plus too. If you don’t need them, don’t use them.

8 years ago
Reply to  Dinger

To be a quiver killer (which this bike could be) in the Pacific Northwest (or any other hi-precip location) it needs fender mounts.

You know, ultra-soggy adventure rides, rain bike for group rides, commutes…

Racks…Idunno. It’s a sub-900g performance frameset. Ultralight bikepacking and messenger bag commutes is all I’d consider on this one.

8 years ago
Reply to  Champs

Fender mounts? Dude! If Mr Vroomen reads your comment, he’ll likely reply as most of us would: “Dear Champs, like all champions who prefer not to get muddy and wet, I refer you to Surly, a wonderful bicycle.”

The man makes fast bikes.

Get dirty more. You’ll be happier.

8 years ago
Reply to  Norm

p.s. Not that you can’t get dirty with a Surly. They are fun bikes too, just a tad heavier.

8 years ago
Reply to  Norm

What if you like a sub-900g fast bike?

I don’t use fenders on my graveler now that I live somewhere it rains 3mo/yr (I enjoy the dirty)
In places where it rains 9mo/yr and base mile rides mean 4h in the rain “weather” you like it or not…lack of fenders gets old fast.

Matt Surch
7 years ago
Reply to  Norm

I guess this FYI is necessary: fenders are not just for the rider of the bike with the fenders mounted. They are also for their friends. Anyone who has spent time riding wet roads, particularly when it’s barely above freezing, will know well that spray from the bike ahead (and behind!) gets all over the face, body and bike. This is why we take a step further, and install fender flaps that extend almost to the ground, which prevent spray from getting all over everyone. If someone doesn’t have a flap, they have to sit on the back. This is the reality of riding for those who go out no matter the weather, and the idea that a performance bike can’t or shouldn’t have fenders is myopic. If OPEN is indeed adding them, super. That’ll add 12-13 grams, everybody will be happy.

PS, I have a Surly, with fenders, and I have raced on it, with fenders.

8 years ago
Reply to  Champs

I think I heard in their live stream that they were going to offer fender mounts. So yeah…

8 years ago

Ok – if it is the same as the 3T exploro i am building up – that 870 grams gains a ton when you install the foam cable pads they include stop frame rattling. Each pad cut to length for a large frame weights 70 grams, Therefore 870 grams is really 1010 grams………..

8 years ago

That claimed weight savings, dropping from 1100 to 870 grams is pretty impressive. Very few companies are able to take such a huge chunk of weight out of a frame update.

Nice job!

8 years ago

Compared to this stuff https://www.redbull.com/gb-en/worlds-most-expensive-road-bike-parts this is a deal! 😉

7 years ago

This is sweet but I’ll stick with my Warbird for a few more years

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