Orbea wants to give their customers and dealers alike the confidence that they stand behind their products by offering an Orbea Extended warranty on all bikes purchased after January 11, 2016… for free. In addition to offering a lifetime warranty on the frame, the extended warranty also includes upping the paint warranty and there is even an accident replacement policy thrown in.
Head past the break for details and what you may have to do for the first time ever…

Orbea’s Extended Warranty includes increasing the standard (by law) 2-year warranty to lifetime, covering frames & rigid forks against breaking and/or cracks. They will also extend the protection against any paint, varnish and corrosion defects on the product from two to three years, and to top it off, the customer will be privy to a substantial “Accident Policy Service” that offers discounts between 30 – 50% on a replacement depending on the age of the frame.
To get the Orbea Extended Warranty, you have to *better sit down* register your bike within 30 days of purchase. We’ve seen those little tear out cards in our user manuals for years and even that easy to click link on their websites, but alas, they go untouched. Orbea is changing that. Well, if you want the free Extended Lifetime Warranty, that is. To qualify, you have to register your bike within 30 days after the purchase. To help, they’ve made it pretty simple by including a serial number registration process. Each bike comes with an information card with a QR code that includes all of the bike’s information and serial number. It even has a little wallet friendly punch out that you can keep with you if you use the Costanza organization technique. There is a pre-registration step (I believe it is done at the point of purchase), that sends the customer an email to complete the registration at home to get the process rolling because otherwise, it will be filed in the “I won’t do it in time” bin.