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Photos and Such from the US Pro Cycling Championships

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us pro cycling championships george hincapie wins 2009 bicycle road bike race

Here are some photos I took at the US Pro Cycling Championships road race this past weekend.  By now you all (should) know that the man, George Hincapie, won, getting his third professional road race title.  Above, his game face on the starting line just before the gun.

us pro cycling championships podium girls 2009 bicycle road bike raceus pro cycling championships podium girls 2009 bicycle road bike race

Fortunately, it wasn’t all dudes in spandex, there were other things to look at while we waited for the racers to come back through each lap.  The pics above? Best. Podium Dresses. Ever.  It’s OK, you can click to enlarge… we won’t judge you.

Hit ‘more’ for lots more pics and words from before and during the race…

us pro cycling championships george hincapie wins 2009 bicycle road bike race

George coming up to the start area from his warmup.  While I had my camera to my face, he rode right by and yelled a friendly “heeeeeeyyyyyy”.  Stand up guy, that George…I’m bummed I didn’t get to meet him Sunday.


The back of the field as they gather toward the starting line.  The top pros got individual callouts and prime starting placement on the line.


George chatting with some of the Rock Racing guys before getting called up…first, and to huge fanfare!


The superstars chat it up on the line.  From left to right, Dave Zabriskie (Garmin-Slipstream), Tom Zirbel (Bissell), Floyd Landis (Ouch), Craig Lewis and George Hincapie (Columbia-HTC).


George welcomes Ivan Dominguez Freddy Rodriguez (Rock Racing) to the line.


Gun goes off, Zabriskie starts putting on the hurt.


…and he continues to do so for more than half the race, leading by as much as 4:45 at one point.  By the third shorter loop through downtown (before the riders headed for the hills), he had at least 30 seconds on the nearest chaser.  Above, down in time trial mode.  Below, camera couldn’t keep up…



Around the first lap, one of DZ’s teammates tried to keep up.


Columbia’s team car had just one spare bike…George’s backup. Lewis pulled several breaks to blistering paces up Paris Mountain, the big climb in the race, to break up the pack and help position Hincapie for the win.

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matt tanner
15 years ago

Sweet looking wheeltags on the Kenda bikes! 🙂

15 years ago

Good shots! That is Fast Freddy Rodriguez, not Dominguez, in the 7th pic down though.

15 years ago

George is talking to Fast Freddy not the Cuban Missile in the picture above.

15 years ago

thats Freddy Rodriguez not Ivan Dominguez that George is “welcoming to the line”.

15 years ago

Yeah, Fast Freddy Rodriguez.

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