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Priority Bicycles & Peg Pérego Collaborate To Bring The 10+ Children’s Bicycle Seat Stateside

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Priority Bicycles, the brand that brought us the wildly successful Kickstarter commuter bike, has announced they will be partnering with children’s product brand Peg Pérego. Priority Bicycles initially gained fame by blasting through a crowdsourcing campaign with over 1800% more than their expected funding on an inexpensive belt-drive, internally geared commuter bike. Peg Perego has been making childrens products in Italy since 1949, and has a range of strollers, making children’s bicycle seats a next natural addition to the line.

Priority will supply Peg Pérego with their first ever children’s bicycle seat, the 10+. The seat will be available for $149.99 on the Priority Bicycles web page, starting in December. The 10+ rear-mounted children’s bicycle seat features one-click installation, a reclining design, a suspension system and adjustable footrests. The seat does not use any permanent rack attachment to the bike, instead uses a quick-release clamping mechanism on the seat tube that has its own integrated rack.

“As a father I have always turned to Peg Pérego for high quality and great looking products for my son,” said Dave Weiner, founder of Priority Bicycles. “When I found out it was developing bike seats, I knew the product would be a perfect fit with the Priority Bicycles brand. I hope this partnership encourages more parents to take their kids out on their bicycles and feel safe and confident doing so.”



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10 years ago

Looks exactly the same as the Hamax Sleepy seat I have on my bike for my kids….

10 years ago

It also looks a lot like the Thule kids seat.

10 years ago

The bigger kids make for interesting climbing experiances.

10 years ago

Does 10+ mean for ages 10+? The article never explicitly says that, but that’s what anyone would take from the name. Aside from special needs, a 10 year old needs to be riding their own bike, period. Hell, kids race their own bikes at that age. This is ridiculous.

10 years ago

Also looks quite a lot like the seats from Ok Baby.

10 years ago

Is this a handicap aid?

10 years ago

seriously guys what 10 year old would fit in that… hope that’s sarcasm

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