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Rekki Works’ New DX35 Versatile & Volumous Bikepacking Bag

Rekki Works DX35 Bikepacking Bag hero(Photos / Rekki Works)
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Back in October 2021, Cory wrote a piece about a versatile and handy front bike rack, called JACK the Bike Rack. Well, the inventor of that cool piece of bike gear is at it again. This time he’s got a Kickstarter (coming April 8th) for a new bike bag. It’s called the DX35, and it’s a 35-liter bikepacking bag with functional storage–that’s accessible while riding.

The bag is waterproof and works best on any flat, alt, or drop bar bike with a front rack, but the DX35 also features a removable GEARLID that makes the contents accessible while on the go

The Rekki Works DX35

Rekki Works DX35 Bikepacking Bag first pic
(Photos / Rekki Works)

There are two main storage spots, with 6 liters in the GEARLID, and 25 liters in the main “bucket”, plus 4 liters of side pocket storage, at 2 liters per side.

Rekki Works DX35 Bikepacking Bag adventure

The removable GEARLID has three zippered pockets, and the main bucket is easily opened with one hand with the drawstring open/close system. The one-handed open/close system is applied to the pocket bungee as well.

Rekki Works DX35 Bikepacking Bag removable gearlid

The buckles that secure the GEARLID are movable, allowing for the main bucket’s storage to range from 10 to 35 liters.

Rekki Works DX35 Bikepacking Bag Drybag

The removable drybag liner is 100% waterproof, uses a roll-top closure, has taped seams, and can double as a tote. It’s made with Challenge UltraGRID material and weighs 185g.

Rekki Works DX35 Bikepacking Bag shower cap

If you are adventuring in a wet climate, no need to fret. The DX35 comes with a Shower Cap ensuring that your gear stays dry, no matter what. It packs into itself and only weighs in at 40g.

Rekki Works DX35 Bikepacking Bag 4 possitions

There are also four different spots to attach the bag to your bars. This allows for a very wide range of bar-to-rack combos. The lowest spot is supposed to work great with the JACK.

Rekki Works DX35 Bikepacking Bag 2 point compression

There is also a removable, 2-point compression system that can be attached to any of the bag’s molly webbing. This allows for customization of how you want to compress your load, like molding the bag away from shifters on a narrow drop bar.

Rekki Works DX35 Bikepacking Bag 3 point compression

For flat and alt bars, there is a 3-point compression system, allowing for quick access to the BUCKET by only releasing one buckle.

Rekki Works DX35 Bikepacking Bag 3rd world

Go HERE to get on the waiting list and find out when the DX35 launches.


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