Restrap has long made the bags to carry things on your bike. Now they’ve added an alloy “anything mount” cage to their collection, giving you more places to hang their bags.
The Restrap Carry Cage is a laser-cut 1050 alloy cage with a black powder coat finish that’s shaped to cradle an oversized Nalgene-style bottle, growler, or a small dry bag.
Slots and holes give you plenty of lashing points to secure whatever you’re carrying, and a small bottom shelf helps support the load so it won’t slide down over rough terrain.
MSRP is $59.99 and weight is 136g. Max load is 3kg. They’re sold separately, as are their Fast Straps, which come in three lengths and retail for $13-$18 per pair, available in black or orange.
The wide cage uses a standard three-bolt mounting pattern, which is commonly found on adventure and bikepacking forks and frames. Dimensions are 106mm W x 181mm T x 48mm D (just a bit wider than that 1L Nalgene), sized just right to hold a small tent and sleeping bag, too. Restrap says they’ve even ridden with regularly sized water bottles strapped securely as well.