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Review: Adam’s Trail-A-Bike Folding Tag Along – Make Your Kid the Stoker!

Adams Trail-a-Bike folding bicycle add on for towing kids behind your bike
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Adams Trail-a-Bike folding bicycle add on for towing kids behind your bike

Now that Spring has sprung and Summer temps seem to be hitting us early, we’ve been riding bikes to school more often. I’ve had the Adam’s Trail-A-Bike add on kid hauler for about a year now and we’ve used it to go to and from school, on dirt road adventures and just around town to the farmer’s market.

Several versions are available, most with a 20″ rear wheel. We tested the Original Alloy Folder One, which translates into a) it’s alloy, so it’s three pounds lighter than the original steel one, b) it folds in half for easier packing in a car and c) it’s a single speed. There are a couple models with larger wheels, a couple with gears and a shifter for the kids to play with and even a tandem one to haul two kids at once.

It’s a convenient way to haul a child to school or on errands, and works for a wide range of ages and sizes, particularly if they’re either not quite ready to ride their own bike on streets or the distance is a bit much for young legs. It’s also a solid workout when they decide not to pedal, as shown above. Read on for all the details…

Adams Trail-a-Bike folding bicycle add on for towing kids behind your bike

The Trail-A-Bike is recommended for ages 4 to 6. I say that’s conservative, but go outside that at your own risk. My son is 7 and I still ride him to school on it. I’ve had my daughter on it since she was 3-1/2, which required an unapproved cutting of the seatpost. Here’s why: To fold the Trail-A-Bike in half, you remove the seatpost by loosening the quick release in the middle of the seat tube. The unit then pivots just in front of the chainring, essentially cutting its length in half.

The max insertion line on the post is designed to ensure there’s adequate post left below the quick release to keep it all stable. I cut about 1″ off to be able to get the seat low enough for my daughter to ride it, which means I’ll be limited as to how high it can go as she grows up. Or I could just order another seat post, which I may have to do since the max (claimed) weight limit is 85lbs and my kids have a ways to go before they’re tipping the scales that far. And I don’t know too many kids in the 4-6 range that weigh that much.

Adams Trail-a-Bike folding bicycle add on for towing kids behind your bike

I also mentioned they offer a tandem version. I’m not sure I’d want to try that one, as having one kid on the back can cause the bike to wobble when they inevitably try to do tricks, spin around and sit backwards or pedal enthusiastically. Fluid pedaling from the kid minimized the feedback on the adult’s bike, but it can sometimes feel like your rear wheel is wrestling a boar. It’s enough to throw you off your line, which can be a bit dangerous if you’re riding in traffic. Their shenanigans affect a lighter weight adult more than a heavier one…which is why my wife didn’t care for towing it on her bike. At the very least, the adult pulling it should be an experienced rider.

Adams Trail-a-Bike folding bicycle add on for towing kids behind your bike

The Trail-A-Bike attaches to the adult bike using a seatpost clamp. The clamp and the trailer are connected via a quick release bolt that has a nut threaded on one end and a clamp for extra security. A universal joint section lets it move up and down and side to side freely. The clamp comes with several sizes of sleeves to fit between it and the post, and you need to make sure you use the right size:

Adams Trail-a-Bike folding bicycle add on for towing kids behind your bike

On the left is an original clamp. On the right is one I overtighted around a too-thin spacer. There is no turning back…I tried my darnedest to spread it back open, wasn’t happening. So I had to order a new one. The plastic spacer also protects your post since there’s no metal-on-metal contact. Each spacer has a lip that goes on the bottom to keep the clamp from touching your frame/seatpost collar, too.

There is a bit of play between the connections, which can be disconcerting at first because it feels like the kid is rocking back and forth. Once you get used to it, it’s not as bad, and it could probably be fixed by shimming something small into the connection between the clamp and the trailer. I haven’t tried that because it hasn’t bothered me that much.

Adams Trail-a-Bike folding bicycle add on for towing kids behind your bike

The stem is adjustable for height/reach and the handlebar has a small pad on the top bar. A fabric sleeve covers the top portion of the front tube to keep it from scratching the frame when it’s folded up.

It also includes a tall flagpole with a day glow orange flag and foam ball. It includes reflectors, too, and I put a blinky light on the seatpost. It has a full fender, full chainguard and even a bashguard as part of the frame. We’ve breezed down hills and through fast corners and it’s felt very stable. Uphill, it’s like having a little turbo boost when they start pedaling hard.

Besides providing a way to get my children to school without driving, it gets them (and me) some exercise and seems to delight passersby. Even motorists are much more pleasant and pass with much greater care than when I’m riding on my own. It doesn’t hurt that my kids wave to everyone.

Retail is $319. The steel one is $245 and only weighs 3lbs more (20.5 versus 23.5 pounds).

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slow joe crow
slow joe crow
12 years ago

I had a steel Trail-a-bike and a Giant Half-Wheeler and in both designs the coupler developed a lot of play over time which created a distinct tail wagging the dog situation with a larger kid, to the point where my wife wouldn’t ride with either trailer bike. I did try shimming the Trail-a-Bike coupler by filing it down to fit a wave washer but it didn’t work very long. With hindsight I would have spent the extra money on a Burley Piccolo which uses a turntable type hich mounted on a rear rack so it only pivots in one axis, instead of two axes like the u-joint style hitches used by Adams, Giant, et al.

12 years ago

They really need a fixie version for all the parents pushing their kid to be the next LA.

12 years ago

I am an experienced rider and the play in the coupling is really troublesome. I am 180 pounds but my 40 pound son can throw me off my line if he pedals roughly. Since the cranks are kind of long for smaller kids, rough pedaling is the norm. It just isn’t safe unless you have a decent amount of shoulder or bike lane.

I purchased another coupler and it is just as bad. My wife refuses to ride with the trail-a-bike. It is a shame because it is a great way to introduce kids to shifting and riding longer distances without the fear of them getting tired and cranky.

12 years ago

The kid in the opening shot doesn’t look to stoked at all. I’ve experienced play in that coupling as well.

12 years ago

if tested a lot of this trailers. the only one which really is fun for all (kids and parents) are the swiss made: followme-tandem.com
I’m not sure if its available outside Europe, but with this trailer, you can also go on trails with your kids.

12 years ago

I have two tagalongs,
an avanti hang-on and the adam’s
One. There is play in both of them
but the play causes me no issues
at all. I ride both on and off road
( including single track) and even
though the Adams is steel, I find
it performs very well.

Both my kids and mum and dads
love our tag alongs!

11 years ago

Life changed for the family after we got the adams trail-a-bike. I am still on my first bike trailer and its lasted so far the summer season but i would highly recommend bike trailers for getting out and getting some exercise.

11 years ago

Thanks for the article. Curious about your opinion, and after having the bike for a year, have your thoughts have changed about the single speed. I have a 4 year old (and a 6 year old), and plan to use mostly with the 4 yo. So, I am debating which to purchase:

Adam’s original folder alloy vs
Adam’s original folder vs
Adam’s shifter

Many thanks.

b mc
b mc
11 years ago

I just finished making shims for the Giant Half-Wheeler U-joint. Used an aluminum soda can, cuts w scissors. Wear gloves. All snug now.

11 years ago

Could someone provide me the shipping size of this trailer bike, or the size of the bike folded? I need to figure out whether I will be able to bring it with me on an overseas flight. Thank you very much.

10 years ago

Is there room on the back axle to put a hitch for a bike trailer?

10 years ago

I have both a single speed and 5 speed models, steel. Both bought used for 75$. My kid was 3 and now 11 but 53lbs. She will be riding these probably a couple yrs more. Like everything in life and the current Mercedes commercial, everything does matter. What every one fails to mention is the exact bike type they tow with. Both trailers have used hitches. I bought a used sworks specialized hardtail 15″ 26 wheels, specifically to tow. It weighs 24lbs w full water bottle! I weigh 122lbs and am 59yrs young wife is 125lbs. I also tow with our used tandem Specialized 26 wheels hard tail mountain bike. We actually go up hills and mountains with them. Our usual is 900ft from sea level MT Soledad 5% ave workout every week. We have also a used KHS Tandemania heavy 46lbs steel frame w 26 alloy wheels 21 speed. Have also done Cuyamaca peak 6500ft w 20% grades in spots on it! I had to push it past those spots. Thats why I bought the 27 speed 36lbs alloy specialized.

I tried a 2 lap time trial tow around Fiesta isle once w my trusty 1972 steel Gitane Tour Du France 20lbs 10 speed 700c racing bike. On the second lap it felt better but I never felt comfortable and stable like all the other bikes. The slight play in the hitch wasn’t mostly the problem. It is mostly the bike geometry and light wheel/tire. In fact I probably would go just as fast w my hardtail due to its inherent stability .

So far this is what I learned. Ideal tow bike is hardtail mtn. Least ideal is any racing bike w light wheels and geometry that puts weight on handlebars (especially tt bikes). MY guess is Full suspension MTB would be OK if locked but you may wear out suspension bearings slightly? Since I have both I have no need to find out. If I only had softtail I would give it a try since it’s cheaper than buying another bike. Do not worry as much about rider and frame weight. The more weight on wheel/tube/tire will greatly help stability. Centrifugal forces are the only ones keeping you upright.
The Adams system works for us.
Derek retired Aerospace Engineer/ HAHA Rocket Scientist

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