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Singapore’s Top Triathletes Banned From Competing For What?

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Singapore’s top male and female triathletes, Mok Ying Ren (right) and Dinah Chan have been banned from competition.


Because they were caught in the same hotel room together with the door closed, which is a violation of Triathlon Association of Singapore’s sporting conduct code.  They’re 20 and 22 years old.

This struck me as post-worthy because a) it’s ridiculous…does TAS not know what goes on in the dorms at the Olympics? and b) I just read an article in an old issue of Psychology Today about how “adolescents,” particularly in America but largely in Westernized cultures, are not given the emotional, educational or work responsibility they are capable of handling, thus being coddled far too long.  The implications are that media like MTV, for example, (but certainly not things like Bikerumor!) are able to infiltrate and affect their lifestyles too much, which is then amplified by the 60+ hours they spend dorkin’ around with their peers each week, converting them to a mass consumer mob that basically doesn’t contribute to society or better themselves in any meaningful way.  Think about it, other than attend our behind-the-times educational system, what do most 14 to 22 year olds do all day?

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15 years ago

What you forget is that they are not americans nor in america and therefore can be expected to be judged by western standards.

15 years ago

doesn’t seem too nutty for singapore. they’re not what you’d call an “upstanding democracy”

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