Skratch Labs has always been about putting in exactly what you need and nothing you don’t. That’s why their drink mixes have fewer calories, without resorting to artificial sweeteners. To prevent “flavor fatigue,” Skratch uses real fruit – in this case strawberries or passion fruit. Supposedly, you get an entire fruit or two per serving of their new mixes, and the flavor is said to be one of their favorites…

According to Skratch Labs founder, Dr. Allen Lim, “We’ve been working on these flavors for over a year and in our taste tests with athletes, staffers, and friends they’ve been the most consistent favorites of any of the flavors we’ve ever made.” The new mixes also seemed to be a hit at SaddleDrive as attendees looked to replenish their lost electrolytes in the heat.
Scratch claims that for each serving, you’re getting a full strawberry or two passion fruits, and as usual each mix is non-GMO, gluten free, dairy free, vegan, and kosher. Sold in 1lb resealable bags for $19.50, or individual stick packs for $1.95, both flavors are available now.