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Specialized Released New Limited Edition Color Dipped Collection

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Specialized Limited Edition Color Dipped Neon BlueEvery month, Specialized is releasing their top of the line S-Works Prevail, dancing shoes, and socks, in a limited edition color. Last month, it was all about hi-viz, but this month we’ve stepped into Water World with this Neon Blue collection.

More pictures after the break…S-works Color Dipped Neon Blue The S-Works Prevail retails for $250. Review here.
S-works Color Dipped Neon Blue Specialized Road Shoe The S-Works Road Shoe will set you back $400. Review here.S-works Color Dipped Neon Blue Specialized sock
And the outfit wouldn’t be complete without the matching pair of socks.S-works Color Dipped Neon Red Specialized Collection It looks like Specialized has jumped the gun on the one-color-month-theme, so if you’re feeling more like Dorothy and less like Kevin Spacey, you can step out of Kansas in these red slippers…

Check out all the colors here

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10 years ago

I think you meant $400 for the shoes?

And all this stuff is really pointless if normal people can’t get ahold of them. Just like the CVNDSH collection. I hope the 10 people that bought these have fun with them.

10 years ago

Are they releasing these monthly now? Why can’t they release the all white version! Also, what happened to the limit frame set releases? They seem to have slowed right down.

10 years ago

I like that these are able to be purchased online and shipped to your local shop. Much better implementation than the CVNDSH collection.

10 years ago

Pretty sure those shoes are $400, not $250.

The Wiz
The Wiz
10 years ago

These are all awesome if you are one of the few, fortunate souls who dwell in the world of the FULL sizes….the rest of us underlings of the HALF size are relegated to watch you roll by with all your fancy colors, as we sit mired in our black and white world.
Thanks, Specialized! Sheez!! ; )

10 years ago

Please refrain to comment or Specialized will have a win at this. Just don’t comment and don’t buy this garbage,end of the story.

10 years ago

Got the reds sitting in our shop and they look amazing. If I didn’t JUST buy a pair of the red and whites last season….. Best shoes (and helmet) I’ve ever owned!

10 years ago

@The Wiz. Wow, you are right. $400 road shoes and they only come in full sizes. What a rip.

10 years ago

Stop complaining. If you can’t afford it make more money. This is america.

10 years ago

Not one item in this collection is available to purchase from specialized.com. It feels like a old-school effort to make us contact our lame (no-inventory) local retailer so that they can look into Specialized’s archaic inventory management system to finally declare: “let me call my rep”. And the rep not answering his phone because he is out riding with Chris Rickiert who is supposedly doing something global PR related for Specialized but mostly Instagraming images of himself racing and riding with sponsored Pro’s. Does anyone at Specialized actually know how the customer wants to buy their products…? Stop the sales prevention strategy and join brands that sell-direct and are 2, 3,5 and 10 times your size.

10 years ago

All the half sizes are up in Canada!

Guy buddy
Guy buddy
10 years ago

@rsm took me ten minutes to order my new epic the shop didn’t have in stock. it was delivered and ready to ride two days after.

10 years ago


Dale & RSM – if your shop sucks find a new one, my shop is full of this stuff now. RSM – What brand is 10 times the size of SBC and sells direct ?

Andrew I own a pair of S-Works shoes and they are amazing, did you really comment saying “don’t comment” ?!

10 years ago

@brad – Got a pic of the massive inventory of color dipped stuff your shop has? I was told by a Spesh rep that these were very low production and bought out by very few shops. My LBS has had every limited edition S-works bike (McLaren,EPS,Cav,etc) and had a ’15 Tarmac in the showroom the day it was revealed, and they didn’t get any of the dipped stuff. Plus you can’t order online.

Limited edition is cool, but this isn’t a Ferrari we’re talking about. It’s not super limited to the super rich and elite. Why not make cool stuff in quantities the masses can enjoy since we can all actually afford it?

10 years ago

Chances are if your local shop didn’t get the color dipped collection, it’s because they weren’t proactive in ordering it. As a concept store manager, I was sent an email and an order form. I filled it out right away, and received the inventory before the release date. Blame your lazy LBS manager, not Specialized.

10 years ago

I wouldn’t blame your lazy LBS manager. Concept and elite stores got first crack at these. The little guy didn’t ever have the option to get any of any color.

10 years ago

Mike, care to share what shop? I can’t find the blue anywhere.

10 years ago

@Mason. Agreed…….perhaps I was too simplistic in my claim….other concept and elite stores in our area did not order the color dipped collection and are now scrambling.
@Chuck Surf City Cyclery Costa Mesa 949 646 1717

jesus perez jr
jesus perez jr
10 years ago

i like this shoes but 400 dollar is to much cause i need to buy two pairs neon blue and neon yellow to wear one of each

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