What could they possibly come up with next? Just in time for Christmas, you too can be squirting yourself with a stream of water right in the face. As Spruzza warns, you’d better grab your own squirting apparatus “before Santa’s Ho-Ho-Ho becomes summer’s hot-hot-hot.” (Catchy line, eh?) Sometimes you just have to see it to believe it…
Their tag line is “a cooler way to ride,” with the promise that you can “lower your perceived temperature 15-25 degrees, season after season.” And while you likely have no interest in lowering your perceived temp this season, if you often find yourself riding through the parched landscape of Death Valley (or Vegas)…in August, or over the never-ending sands of the Sahara desert (after all, what’s your fat-bike intended for?), perhaps this squirt-happy, ergonomically-aerodynamic, reservoir of coolness could be your ticket.
If you are sold, just wait for all the fun tech details. First off is the Spruzza’s “spray coverage.” This thing boasts a spray-spread with an accuracy of 2-3”, giving you the luxury of adjusting your “cooling preferences” to forehead; eyes (say what?!); mid-face; mouth (I wonder if your can add sports drink mix to the reservoir?); neck; and chest. But this highly precise squirting is not all…

Spruzza compares themselves to common cycling accessories such as your iPhone, water bottles (or as fancy Brits say, cycling bidons), shoes, jerseys, and helmets. Clearly they would hope you to find their product equally as invaluable. And apparently one water bidon is equal to three whole Spruzzas — now just imagine that, a full row of numerous Spruzzas bolted to your handlebars. You would be the highlight of the next club ride for sure.
And finally, if a picture is worth a thousand words and a video is worth a thousand pictures…then I suppose one ought to opt for the video. And that’s just what Spruzza did; an inspirational video depicting a number of people riding along and squirting themselves. They look very cool.

For a mere $59.99 the squirtingly cool Spruzza can be yours in black or white (I hear the pro peloton is opting for the white version). And if you find yourself to be a real fanboy, the full shorts/jersey kit is just $169.99. Merry Christmas and Happy Squirting!