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Stand Bike Me, Beautiful Reclamation In A Throw-Away Society

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From our vantage point, always in sight of the industry’s cutting edge, whether gram shaved carbon or contrived hipster-vintage, it’s a reassessment of perspective to see reclamation being commercially marketed. Sure, this is done ubiquitously in other industries, but the cycling market has always esteemed the new and novel. Your local co-op may dabble in used cast-offs but they aren’t likely marketing their wares on an international level.

Here is a creative bike studio. Here is a resurrection of the past. Here is a break from the norm of over industrialized big-business and their normative masses. Here is the creation of something truly unique, almost as much for the sake of art as the ride itself. Here is Stand Bike Me. It may be odd, but it’s a fresh take. Embrace your artsy side and brush past the break…


Say what you will about consumers paying a second party to cobble together a second-hand bike. Stand Bike Me is harnessing age-old principles found in other made-to-order shops and applying them to the old and forgotten bikes of yesterday.


Not one of the bikes displayed on their site is available for purchase. Rather, each is a one-off created in collaboration with a customer who had a vision for something pulled from a dusty garage and revived into a tailor-made ride uniquely his or her own.


Stand Bike Me prides itself in its ability to breath new life into a long-forgotten bicycle. After a customer-interview process, taking into account riding preferences, measurements, artistic tastes, unique design ideas, etc., they will take either a customer supplied bike or source one upon request, and then proceed to disassemble and restore each part to shiny-new. New parts are included where necessary, such as tires/chain/cables/pedals/bearings/etc. Concurrently, Stand Bike Me works with the customer to imbue the bicycle with a customized level of design; creations such as wine racks, leather grips, wooden racks, custom color, all individually sourced, are utilized in elevating each bike into something truly one-of-a-kind.


If you are feeling artistically adventurous, start the journey here.

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11 years ago

I’ll stick to hitting garage sales for my DIY beater, townie and fixie project bikes.

11 years ago

Anyone reforging from old over buying new from China gets my respect, although bicycle rehab is my specialty as well this applies to all products. It’s just time to stop throwing away everything around us and find ways to repair, rehab, and repurpose these still useful items.

11 years ago

Judging by the overwrought prose, this guy is definitely drinking the Koolaid. People who elevate bikes from being a tool to putting them on a pedestal annoy me in general, but who am I to judge?

11 years ago

Can’t complain about people reusing things that others would throw away. And the name is even kind of cute in that it-gets-slightly-less-funny-each-time-you-say-it way.

However, I quibble with the use of “ubiquitously” here – this usage offends my sense of le mot juste. What’s wrong with saying “it is common in other industries”?

11 years ago

How quaint.

11 years ago

mudrock, i can never just call my bikes a tool. they’re a part of the family> I have sentimental attachments to all of my bikes.

This article is inspirational but stops there for me. Perhaps Stand Bike Me is more for people who lack the creativity and/or skill to restore or re-use a bike themself.

11 years ago

Nice projects. Major hipster alarm though! 🙂

In the Netherlands, we have brand that kind of does the same, be it not customised and somewhat more down to earth:


They take old bicycle frames (which can be ‘harvested’ for free from our city canals 😉 ) and build them up with new parts in a sheltered webshop.

Ps “Roetz” is pun too. It sounds like roots. And Roest is Dutch for rust.

11 years ago

I’ve only ever had 2 new bikes in my life one when I was 6 and one when I was about 15, which I bought with my own $ and was very proud off. Last one after several years use was stolen. I’ve cobbled together several bikes over the years for both me and my kids. The latest one has done me well for 3 years and hopefully continue to serve longer. There’s tons of decent bikes that are thrown away to simple get the latest and greatest version.

Brad H.
Brad H.
11 years ago

I’m an American living in Madrid and figured while I was living here I would get a bike. I move around a lot and in each country that I’ve lived, I’ve bought a bike, kept it for a few months, and passed it on to someone staying behind. Tired of this, I decided to get a bike here that would not only help to get me around but one that I might grow fond of enough to take on to the next local. Enter Standbikeme. They built me a bike that is both a “tool” and a thing of beauty. I’m not one to get attached to material things, but let me tell you, me and this bike are in the middle of a passionate love affair. These guys will take you from the tiniest concept to building the bike of your dreams, all while reusing old bikes that would otherwise be left to rot. Great mission, great quality, and INCREDIBLE customer service. These guys have my vote. Bike can be seen here.

11 years ago

nice aesthetic. my takeaway is the wooden end on the repurposed innertube straps. Looks to be much easier to deal with than tying them.

11 years ago

We at Groody Bros. Bicycle Restoration Project firmly believe in putting vintage bikes back on the road. The vast majority of the 800+ bikes that we have refinished carried a sentimental attachment with the owner, whether it was the bike that got them around town through their college years or belonged to a beloved family member. We don’t do high end “authentic restorations”. Our focus is assisting our customers in creating the bike of their dreams, what ever the purpose. http://www.GroodyBros.com http://www.facebook.com/GroodyBros

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