Mark your calendars folks, Super D is coming to Indiana! Sub-9 Productions is a fairly well established event organizer by now, responsible for bringing you great events such as the Annual Brown County Breakdown, and most recently helping to put on the Ray’s Angel’s Women’s Weekend. In case you’re wondering where the name Sub-9 came from, it refers to the fact that if you are entering Brown County State Park from the North gate entrance you must go through a covered bridge with a 9 foot clearance, very important to remember if you are driving an SUV with a roof rack! As one of the Midwest’s premier MTB event organizers, Sub-9 is now planning to bring the fastest growing segment of mountain bike racing to the masses- Super D.
To be held at Indiana’s Brown County State Park, the course is sure to be challenging and offer possibly the most elevation the Midwest has to offer. Super D is a combination of cross country and down hill racing, with more down hill than cross country but generally safer than all out down hilling. It is this combination of speed, shorter courses, and sheer fun that appeals to a wider audience than XC or DH.
Much more and event details after the break!

A well kept secret for a while, Brown County State Park is now considered a must ride if you live anywhere near these trails. Named one of the best 33 trail systems in the country by BIKE magazine, it was also named runner up for best trail network citing “it’s single track boasts the widest variety east of the Mississippi.”
The race itself is set to be a 5.5 mile course with 1.25 miles of short, easy climbing, and 4.25 miles of downhill including a 2+ mile technical downhill. For those familiar with the trail, the race will start at Hesitation point and ends at the north gate entrance. Times are estimated to be 25-35 minutes with pro’s possibly finishing under 25. The race will even include a special speed trap section, in which, the fastest rider as clocked by an actual radar gun will receive a special prize! The format will be an individual time trial start with 1-2 minutes between riders, any rider overtaken by another racer must yield immediately.
The Sub-9 Super-D highlights include free shuttle service to registered racers, pre-race clinics, bicycle demo’s from large manufacturers, on site camping, and a spectator friendly environment. This race is only open to 250 riders so reserve your spot quickly, registration begins April 1st!
Race Schedule:
Friday, August 6, 2010
2:00 p.m. Group camping opens at Rally Campground. Camping is $10 per person. Pre-registration will be available soon.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
6:00 a.m. Brown County State Park Opens. Race course open for pre-race riding.
8:30 a.m. Mad March Inc Pre-Race Clinic begins.  Race course trails are closed.
10:00 a.m. Bicycle demo and product testing area opens at the main mountain bike parking lot near the North Gate Entrance. Test ride bikes from large and small manufacturers for free! See some of the newest, coolest products on the market. This event is free and open to the public.
12:00 p.m. Mad March Clinic ends.  Open course pre-riding begins. Race check-in begins at the main mountain bike parkling lot near the North Gate Entrance. Participants must check-in in order to pre-ride the course. Course remains closed to general public.
6:00 p.m. Bicycle demo and product expo area closes at main mountain bike parkling lot near the North Gate Entrance.  Race course closes for pre-course riding.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Race Day!
I’ll see you there!