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The Bike The SuperBowl Built

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Custom Rodriguez Seahawks Superbowl Bike (5)

Every year before the superbowl, the mayors of each teams city place a friendly bet, to benefit local businesses and charities. This year, if Denver loses, Denver will send Seattle a sampling of green chilies, a hoodie, locally made cap and skis, and will auction off a Denver-themed item to support the Seattle based Lifelong AIDS Alliance. If Seattle loses, the mayor will send over Hancock salmon, Dungeness crab, a custom bicycle, and a blown glass piece by Dale Chihuly to benefit Denver’s Road Home program for the homeless.

While the other prizes seem great, the one we’re interested in was built by Rodriguez Cycles. These images were posted by an employee to Reddit. Hop past the break for more pictures….
Custom Rodriguez Seahawks Superbowl Bike (3)

Anyone who’s ever built a custom bike know how difficult it is to match different colors, but Rodriguez has done a great job picking complimenting blue and greens.
Custom Rodriguez Seahawks Superbowl Bike (1)

The head-tube and fenders are both emblazoned with “2013 NFC Champions.”
Custom Rodriguez Seahawks Superbowl Bike (2)

Another nice touch on the derailleur.

Custom Rodriguez Seahawks Superbowl Bike (4)

Any Seahawks fans stoked on the build? According to the thread, Rodriguez bikes is not being compensated for building the bike for the city, so stop by the shop and check it out!

Via Reddit and Mercury News

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11 years ago

I dig the old school kawi moto vibe those colors give

Cedric SoCal Seahawks Fan #1
Cedric SoCal Seahawks Fan #1
11 years ago

I need this bike boss.
I don’t think I can live without this bike boss.
How can I get one of these bikes boss?

11 years ago

burn it with fire

11 years ago
11 years ago

Does anyone else find it sort of funny that Denver will receive “…a blown glass piece…”?

David Lewis
David Lewis
11 years ago

“picking complimenting blue and greens.” You mean “complementing”.

11 years ago

“Hey, you look great today, Blue.”

“Thank you, Green. I appreciate that.”

11 years ago

Matt… thank you for pointing that out. Made my day!

11 years ago

As always, Rodriguez is unable to make a bike that is not hideously ugly.

11 years ago

Thanks, Jaas, you took the words right out of my mouth. Go, Broncos!!!

Chad H
11 years ago

Props to Dan, Scott, Dana and the rest of the R&E crew.
Looks sharp and thank you for the crank/headset spec. We have some headset spacers in pretty dang that same pantone if you want just a little more Hawk spirit for that rig.
Bike Rumour crowd–if you are in the Seattle area R&E is a great place to stop in for a chat/coffee and even better to drop some coin.
Great skill = great results!

Adam Brown
Adam Brown
11 years ago

To bad that bike is going to get its butt kicked!

11 years ago

Matt – Dale Chihuly is a very famous Seattle based artist, and his glasswork is exceedingly collectible. Abravanel Hall here in Salt Lake has one of his tower installations, originally commissioned for the Olympics. Check it out: http://www.chihuly.com/

11 years ago

John from R&E Cycles (Rodriguez bikes) here. Just to be clear, we found out last Thursday that the Mayor of Seattle wanted us to build a bike for the Superbowl bet. Between sourcing the decals, painting the frame, fork, fenders, & stem, and assembling the bike; it was a chore to get all that done. And by last Saturday, no less! Luckily we had a good sized frame that had been welded up a while back just waiting for this sweet paint job. We would be happy to answer any questions anybody might have (regarding our bikes or other bits we make). If y’all think this pike is pretty sweet you should check out the sub 14 lb. steel frame road bike or sub 27 lb steel frame & fork tandem on our website. Oh, and sea-HAWKS!

Service/Shop Manager
R&E Cycles

11 years ago

A blown glass piece is one thing, but one made by Chihuly is another. Just do an image search for his name and prepare to be amazed, especially after using your piece.

11 years ago

Blue and green are analogous not complementary. Perhaps the article correctly intended “complimentary”? Orange you glad we cleared this up?

11 years ago

Blue and green are analogous not complementary. Orange you glad we cleared this up?

11 years ago

“the two states that have legalized pot are getting together for a SUPERBOWL”

Go Broncos!

11 years ago

The rear cassette says it all – 25 to 12, Seahawks.

11 years ago

My eyes hurt.

I’ll bet the Mayor of Denver is rooting for the ‘Hawks. I don’t think I could bear to ride that thing and I am a Seattle based Sea Hawks fan!

11 years ago

That’s not even close to the right blue.

11 years ago

Wait, no 650C wheels like the rest of his bikes? Must be trying to overcompensate…

11 years ago

Baltimore Ravens are the 2013 NFL Champions. It should read 2014 NFL Champions …

You had one job!

11 years ago

I think this is the lowest I’ve ever seen the bars on a Rodriguez! All the ones I see around Seattle seem to have 2 feet of spacers under the stem and the bottom of the drops is often higher than the saddle. I get that not everyone (myself included!) has the flexibility of a pro racer but when you’ve got the drops that high why even bother with drops at all?

As for Chihuly, he’s pretty much the only famous visual artist to come from here. His work is everywhere in Seattle – I’m surprised our street lights aren’t done by Chihuly! We’re better known for cranking out musicians (Ray Charles, Quincy Jones, Nirvana, Hendrix, Pearl Jam, etc.)

11 years ago

To all the trolls –
We did the best we could in the time allotted and there is not one correct blue, green, or whatever as far as the team colors go. And we make bike utilizing every size wheel. From 12″ all the way up to 36″ penny farthing, we’ve built them all. Most often we use 26″ or 700c wheels. Currently in the queue is a 20″ micro travel bike, BB30 race bike, Titanium 6 S&S Coupling tandem, and a whole bunch more “normal” bikes. Just check out the website http://www.rodcycle.com to see some of the stuff I’m talking about. If you want a bike to perform, fit, and last; that’s what we do.

John @ R&E Cycles

11 years ago

John: the fender graphic reads “2013 NFC Champions”, which is what the Seahawks are (as much as I hate to admit it).

11 years ago

Bike is awesome! Haters going to hate – How many pick 6’s will Peyton throw, let the choking commence, GO HAWKS!

11 years ago

And a few people totally missed the weed reference in “a blown glass piece”…

I don'[t even smoke weed and I got it!

11 years ago

John – the fender reads 2013 NFC Champs because it is the 2013 season.

11 years ago

I would love to have and ride that bike. Cool project and for great cause! Kudos to the builders.

11 years ago

“Comment. Comment.. Blah Blah Blah, tires are too skinny, colors are not good, why does the seat NOT have a logo? Why is the gearing set up to train on gravel? why are the tires green, don’t they go slower because of the compound?”


11 years ago

If this bike is being sent to the Denver mayor, if Seattle loses, should it be in the Denver colors? Why would the Denver mayor want to ride a Seattle theme bike?

11 years ago

“Anyone who’s ever built a custom bike know how difficult it is to match different colors, but Rodriguez has done a great job picking complimenting blue and greens.” Anyone who knows the Seahawks knos he just used their colors

11 years ago

Great bike – and no the Chihuly piece is not a glass bong. But that would be great the 2 states with legalized pot

Barb Chamberlain (@barbchamberlain)

Given the rate at which this is flying through bike social media, you’ve tapped into an incredible market if you want to make a few more of these!

10 years ago

Wish I could paint my road bike Seahawks colors and have it look sharp!

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