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The Sunday Times Places #AskLance Ad in Chicago Tribune, Wants Oprah to be Tough

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Londons The Sunday Times placed this ad in the Chicago Tribune hoping Oprah Winfrey will ask Lance Armstrong some tough questionsThere are a lot of people really, really hoping Oprah Winfrey dives deep during her interview with Lance Armstrong this Thursday, perhaps none more so than The Sunday Times writer David Walsh.

BikeBiz is reporting that the London paper, which was sued by Armstrong over an article written by Walsh in 2006, placed this ad in the Chicago Tribune. It has some suggested questions for Winfrey, some provided by Walsh’s Twitter followers.

Links to Walsh’s articles are included in the ad (here), as is a mention of Lanced and Seven Deadly Sins, his books outlining years of covering Armstrong as Chief Sports Writer for the TST.

Click the image to enlarge the ad, or jump past the break for all the questions…

1. Did you tell doctors at the Indiana University Hospital on October 27, 1996 that you had taken EPO, human growth hormone, cortisone, steroids and testosterone?

2. After returning from cancer, how did you justify putting banned drugs in your body?

3. Did you have any sympathy for those rivals determined to race clean?

4. Do you regret how you treated Betsy Andreu, your former masseuse Emma O’Reilly and Greg LeMond?

5. Do you admit that your friend Dr Michele Ferrari fully supported your team’s doping?

6. Is it your intention to return the prize money you earned from September 1998 to July 2010?

7. Did you sue The Sunday Times to shut us up?

8. Was your failure to understand Floyd Landis the key to your downfall?

9. Do you accept lying to the cancer community was the greatest deception of all?

10. Why have you chosen Oprah Winfrey for your first interview as a banned athlete?


What would you ask him? Leave a comment, or head over to Twitter and tweet @TheSTMagazine and @ST_Sport with your questions and the #AskLance hashtag.

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12 years ago

Questions are a bit weak really.

12 years ago

Isn’t the interview taking place, like, right now?

12 years ago

“Download the ebook Lanced:The shaming of Lance Armstrong ($4.79) At Amazon.” This is not an open letter to Oprah, its an ad for a book. Who is the shill now?

12 years ago

At this point, I really don’t care and I think the general population feels the same. The only ones who still care are those who feel they can get money out of him be it right/should or wrong.

12 years ago

I prefer the version of the questions Oprah probably WILL ask Lance. 🙂


WV Cycling
12 years ago

Isn’t the interview taking place, like, right now?

Jan 17th, IIRC.

12 years ago

He wants her to ask “Why did you choose Oprah for your first interview as a banned athlete?” He wants her to ask him that in the third person? For a writer, he didn’t think that one out very well.

12 years ago

Jan 17 yes. Can someone help for those of us NOT in the US? What is ET/PT?
The special 90-minute episode of Oprah’s Next Chapter will air Thursday, January 17, from 9 to 10:30 p.m. ET/PT on OWN

I think ET is Eastern time and PT is pacific time but what is ET/PT?

12 years ago

It’s being televised on the 17th but the interview is today, WV Cycling. It won’t be live TV.

12 years ago

ajbosch – The time thing means that it will air at 9 Eastern and Pacific. So 9 in the east, 8 in the central and 7 in the mountain time zones. Instead at 6 in the Pacific, which would be rather early, they air it later that night.

12 years ago

it should also be noted that Oprah no longer does her show from Chicago.

Steve M
Steve M
12 years ago

What does Cheryl know?

12 years ago

1) I would rather support D. Walsh (re: shill comment) than L Armstrong. or ANY DOPe related person.
THUS razmaspaz your take is WEAK… step your game up son. You need to read his books then speak of shilling!
2) How could anybody deal with Mellow Johnny’s or Carmichael Training?
3) OMG “Lance buster” D. Walsh of the Sunday Times (London) takes out an add in the Trib! talk about PIT BULL! … I have read most everything he has written on this (least ways his last three books) and he is nothing if not persistent / consistent.
4) see also “not cricket” “Horatio Alger”

12 years ago

What does Lance’s dog know ??? Inquiring minds want to know !!! 🙂

12 years ago

I feel like this is a strange time for sports with this and no one voted into baseball hall of fame due to doping. It’s also a big let down. It’s like if America won the World Cup (keep dreaming) and everybody was celebrating to only find out the team doped

12 years ago

Gumby, Not defending LA by any means, I won’t take sides in a battle where everyone is evil.

12 years ago

First I am not in denial that he doped etc. but here are my Qs to the folks who just love to tear LA down:

1) Why are you/Mr Walsh not going after other dopers with such determination? I mean there are many others that dope and that have won many events/championships in many other sports that are suspisious and or know to have done stuff?

2) Why are folks that are so PURE in their efforts to stamp out doping not asking for folks such as Riis to lose his TdF title? He admitted it…or is it if I only win 1 TdF then admit I doped (and dont get caught before hand) that I can keep the title? That jsut doesnt make sense….why not go hardcore….

3)What about the GDR/DDR we still have records on the books in many sports and the Gold medals have not been stripped???? We know they doped….where is Mr Walsh as a pure sports lover/journalist in cleaning the sport?

4) Is it mainly b/c LA was American and invaded a Euro Sport? And he was an ass? But look if there hadn’t been a LA the TdF would be smaller today, American sponsors and the American media etc made it bigger made ohter folks watch it, that never watched the TdF b4….b/c he beat cancer we watched….now that does not excuse his actions, but sometimes there is the bad that comes with the good….

5) Would the focus on doping be this big if there hadn’t been An American that beat the odds and beat not only cancer but the others, of whom many also doped? Does the regular CNN/American and or Euro that hates Americans care/know that Pantani doped and then committed suicide!?! B/C he couldn’t handle being beat by an ignorant ass American that had one nut!?!

My opinion is NO we would not be making this amount of fuss about ANY other CYCLIST, b/c they would not be American and the world would not care

12 years ago

David Walsh really tries to look like a total (deleted)…

12 years ago

Jorge – Don’t shoot the messenger.

12 years ago

I’ll rephrase…

David Walsh really tries to look like a total poopoo head isn’t he….

12 years ago

TO “Cale” :
You are right you,re not in DENIAL, the 2nd stage of grief.
You are in the third stage, ANGER & BARGAINING.
Only 4 stages to go !
Good Luck !

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