We did a review of the Evoc Bike Travel bag, but bags of this sort require the user to disassemble the bike. The Traveling Bike Bag by Ratio Bike Design allows for the user to put the entire bike in the bag. It features a fixed metal structure that clamps the fork and dropouts, protecting the frame from getting crushed. The handlebars don’t need to be taken off or even turned. This seems like it’s a good option for those favoring safety and convenience over small size.
The fabric of the bag is a waterproof microfiber with polyester lining. A tool bag is inside along with a wheel bag. The wheel bag can be taken out and stored on the side while the folding aluminum cage protects the frame. The total weight is 6.5kg (14.33lbs). Ratio claims that this bag will hold any bike. Click ‘more’ to view images…