The Velopresso is the invention of Royal College of Art students Lasse Oiva and Amos Field Reid. It’s a fully human powered bicycle and coffee maker, driven by Gates Belt Drive to keep it all clean and grease free.
The design uses two belt driven systems – one to move the bike from point A to point B, the other to drive the grinder and other moving parts required to turn roasted beans into the sweet brown liquid so many of us enjoy. The only fuel used is a camp stove to boil the water and create steam, but Reid says they’re trying to figure out a way to create ethanol fuel from spent grounds. The goal is a zero carbon system.
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The design has already won a Deutsche Bank Award 2012 for Design and 2nd place in the 2012 Pininfarina Design Contest. Now, they’re looking to commercialize the bike and have it roaming the streets of Europe and North America selling clean, green coffee.
A transmission lever switches pedal power from the wheels to the grinder, producing a double shot of espresso worth of grounds in about five seconds.
Thanks to Paul for the tip!