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Video: Is there anything you can’t do on a fat bike? Pat Smage trials a Fatback Corvus!

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Mad traction plus mad skills make for me wanting a carbon fat bike real bad. Here’s the description from moto trials rider Pat Smage:

“This is a quick edit from my first few rides on the Fatback Corvus Fatbike. I spent a couple weeks in Southern California to ride mototrials and was lucky enough to get the Fatback together before I got out there. It was a blast on all the terrain I could find in SoCal, from the beach to the dunes, high dessert to low. This bike can handle everything. Dont worry, the skids were on motorcycle trails! Stay tuned for my next edit riding in its natural element, snow.”

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10 years ago

Sure, but you could also do that on a road bike. Trials is all about the skill of the rider, not the bike. In some ways, I think trials would be considerably easier on a fat bike than a normal trials bike.
It would be cool to see someone build a fat bike that was actually designed with trials riding in mind (i.e. no seat, long and low)…

10 years ago

I’d like to see a road bike do that 360 in the desert! I think the fat bike adds a challenge to the trials riding because they’re so flippin’ heavy. My 2 cents

10 years ago

Is there any limit to how stupid bike industry marketeers want us to be? Everything done in this video can be done on a normal hardtail, if the rider has the skill of the one in the video. Buying a fat bike will not help you ride like that. In fact, if you want to ride like that, a fat bike may hinder your development. Fat bikes are for packed snow and soft sand. They make that stuff rideable. Elsewhere, they kind of suck. They throw a lot of sand and gravel, they’re sluggish, they’re heavy, they take up a lot of extra space in the garage. They’re great for what they’re made for. Stop showing me a pair of Scissors and telling me it’s a pair of f#&king ninja swords.

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