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WinTunnel: When a Hairdo is a Hair Don’t

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To celebrate lady cyclists, this week the #WinTunnel Team tested different hairstyles to determine what’s fastest.  If only Laurent Patrick Fignon had gotten the memo twenty five years ago…

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Al Boneta
Al Boneta
10 years ago

Glad to see they are putting the wind tunnel to good use

10 years ago

Ahhhhhh, so that’s why I never win any sprints. Or it could be my chicken legs.

fast foreward freddie
fast foreward freddie
10 years ago

As a track racer, I like to think about aero gains ultimate speed gains instead of time over distance. This calculates to 0.1mph advantage at a 24.85mph effort from the worst to the best hairstyle. fyi this is within the margin of error for a low speed wind tunnel.

10 years ago


Will Hilgenberg
10 years ago

@fast foreward freddie

Is it really within the margin of error of a low-speed wind tunnel? Do you know what the measurement sensitivities are and have tracked your error through all of the measurements and calculations? And do you know what their margin of error is? Balance hysteresis?

10 years ago

@Specialized: why is this aimed only at women? Surely men can have long hair too?


Biggest question though: What happens if you gel your hair back into a teardrop shape?

Harry Colin
Harry Colin
10 years ago


10 years ago

Perfect time to mention the new hashtag Hairport.

10 years ago

“If only Patrick Fignon had gotten the memo 25 years ago” Don’t you mean Laurent Fignon ?

fast foreward freddie
fast foreward freddie
10 years ago

Will, no wind tunnel in the world can claim this level of precision. Do you measure spokes with a yard stick?

10 years ago


Shawn Ransford
Shawn Ransford
10 years ago


His full name is Laurent Patrick Fignon as noted in the caption aka “the Professor”

10 years ago

They should have gotten a CAT 1/Pro to do the testing. Someone who rides in the drops, someone who doesn’t wobble when they pedal, someone who’s 10,000 hours of riding shows every time they clip in. Rebecca Rusch has long hair, and is a specialized sponsored athlete…

10 years ago

@T: I understand what you are saying, but the problem with your idea is that the experiment would be useful for approximately 0.0001% of female riders.

10 years ago

I can’t wait for: “WINDTUNNEL: Are you faster with or without a helmet?”



fast foreward freddie
fast foreward freddie
10 years ago

Marx, nope, just a guy who understands the limitations of low speed wind tunnels.

Spervas, and what percentage of female cyclist do you think can maintain 25mph on a solo ride for an hour to save those supposed 15sec?

10 years ago

women cycle? great news!

10 years ago

Why are there so many (deleted)? Let the comments roam free and let freedom ring!

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