Wolf Tooth Components reintroduced its Morse Cage stainless steel bottle cages last week after a short manufacturing hiatus.
Now, Wolf Tooth Components strikes again with limited edition khaki-coated Ti cages.
“First there were khaki cargo shorts; then came Morse Cage Ti in Limited Edition Khaki. These cages pair well with chunky white sneakers, tucked-in shirts, and #dadwatts,” Wolf Tooth advised.
Khaki season may be winding down in some areas as lawn mowing intervals start to lag, and garage doors open all weekend in the summer periodically slam shut to keep out falling leaves.
But with Wolf Tooth’s titanium khaki Morse Cages, you can keep the cargo-hued party going all winter long. Each cage weighs 33 grams, and with B-RAD mounting system compatibility and a versatile dot-dash-dot base plate pattern, you can put them just about anywhere on your bike.
With a long enough downtube, Wolf Tooth claims, you can fit two bottles on one pipe.

The khaki edition joins other titanium entries in the Morse Cage lineup, which range from candy-painted to conservative. A wide range of hex bolts lets you pin them down with whatever accent color you like, from bright pink anodized to black.
Wolf Tooth Components bends each cage by hand at its Minnesota workshop. The limited-edition khaki cage will set you back $85 MSRP.