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Sneak Peek: Niner to Take on 29+ with new ROS Plus

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Stans no tube holy grail hugo 29 plus fat rim tubeless niner ROS plus (2)

The official details haven’t been released, but it was hard to miss the new Niner ROS Plus that was displaying Stan’s new Hugo rims. We’re told that the Niner 29+ project was a big motivator for Stan’s to enter into the fatter rim market which looks like it will be growing thanks to new options for rims and tires. The bright green monster at first glance resembles the skinnier brother, the Niner ROS, but this new bike promises to Ride Over Stuff plus. Or something.

Check out a few of the details, next…

Stans no tube holy grail hugo 29 plus fat rim tubeless niner ROS plus (5)

Obviously, the ROS Plus will be marketed as a 29+ which makes room for tires like the Surly Knard 29×3″ tire. With recently announced additions to the category from Maxxis and Vee Tire Co, much like fat bikes the options are rapidly expanding. It will be interesting to see where the category goes since you can always run standard 29″ wheels and tires in addition to 29+

Stans no tube holy grail hugo 29 plus fat rim tubeless niner ROS plus (7) Stans no tube holy grail hugo 29 plus fat rim tubeless niner ROS plus (9)

Built with a 4130 Chromoly frame with likely similar geometry to the standard ROS, the ROS Plus has thru axles front and rear.

Stans no tube holy grail hugo 29 plus fat rim tubeless niner ROS plus (10)

Stans no tube holy grail hugo 29 plus fat rim tubeless niner ROS plus (11)

Other noticeable details include Niner’s Biocentric II EBB, internal dropper post routing, 44mm head tube, a removable front derailleur mount, and plenty of tire clearance. We threw the bike on the scale with the ROS Plus just barely over 27 lbs with a carbon bar, post, X01 group, and the new Stan’s Hugo rims. More details when we get them.

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10 years ago

I would ride that so hard. Though, I don’t think I’d pay for it.

10 years ago

I agree with K11, so gross! Niner desperately grabbing at another 700c rim based fad.

Psi Squared
Psi Squared
10 years ago

Niner, if you need a test rider, I’ll gladly volunteer.

10 years ago

>I agree with K11, so gross! Niner desperately grabbing at another 700c rim based fad.

How dare a bike company that specializes in 700c rim sizes experiment with a variety of products!

10 years ago

Looks like some really short chainstays.

Good on Niner for staying 700c rim size and not chasing the 650b/27.5 nonsense like everyone else.

10 years ago

Does darik realize 700c is 29″

10 years ago

I am excited for the day that Niner develops something new, instead of following trends.
Until then, I will most likely ride this.

10 years ago

Cant wait until Niner makes a road bike specific frame!

10 years ago

Like a boss! This bike is dope!

10 years ago

-my comment was removed from this section. it had to do with my lunch coming up a little, when seeing this new niner ride. (although i worded it differently. lets see if this one stays)

normally i would let it go, but there are some that agreed with my comment, which doesn’t make sense without an idea of what i said.

10 years ago

K11 – I saw your original comment. Gotta wonder why BRumor deleted it… No cussing, just your personal opinion… Maybe because niner is a BR advertiser? If that’s the case, shame on BR. Where is freedom of speech these days…

Though I’m not a fan of the color (sea foam & neon…seriously?), I’d love to at least throw a leg over a ROS+ and see how she climbs… 27lbs fully specd? hmm.

10 years ago

“Where is freedom of speech these days”

Most places. See, Bikerumor is a private entity, and can do as they please regarding their website. You have 1st amendment protection against the government stifling you freedom of speech, but that’s clearly not the case here, is it?

I guess they don’t teach civics classes anymore…

10 years ago

Ohhh bjeezus, this bike is offensive. it needs to be a singlespeed, but I still Love it

10 years ago

I’m thinking of starting a bike company called sixfiftyb’er. It’s gonna kill.

10 years ago

@kovas. yah, there were not any swear words. i was not ridiculing any other BR commenters or the staff of BR. the niner product across the board is MAYBE average, but their market speak is being gobbled up by niner fans like baby birds waiting for regurgitated worms from their mother.

Psi Squared
Psi Squared
10 years ago

Damn those Niner riders that don’t share the opinion of others! What do they know, what with them enjoying their bikes and all that?

10 years ago


The haters have come out swingin here eh…gotta love it. Looks like a ton of fun…would be a fun HT to sit next to my Banshee Prime.

10 years ago

I like where they are going with that, but no 29+ Carbon Fork?

Now I can’t wait to see the Jet / Rip / WFO Plus models.

Big Al
Big Al
10 years ago

I hate 29+, I hate 27.5, blah blah . . . People please. But looks flexy.

10 years ago

I find the “pedal damn it” graphics on the top tube to be incredibly annoying.

10 years ago

I’ll probably never ride, and certainly never buy this bike, but I feel genuinely sorry for the people who see this and don’t immediately think of how much fun they could have on this bike.

10 years ago

I recently tested both the ROS and a Krampus and I think this bike will be a trail ripper.

10 years ago

That thing looks awesome. Personally, I love the color, love it, and the 29er plus is my next bike. Will it be this one? No, I don’t have a Niner dealer near me. But I love this bike, and this platform and can’t wait to own one.

10 years ago

@Mindless, you can always cover it with a sticker of a different flavor… http://psyclestore.com/products.php?product=Misfit-Psycles-Pedal-Sticker

10 years ago

I have a sticker on my keyboard that says “Comment damn it”

10 years ago

Niner is absolutley kicking everyone (other bike companys) in the balls
They basically own the dirt market
dirty road stuff
dirty phat tyre stuff
Great stuff for the mtn bikers
keep it up

10 years ago

Ridley has made some ok bikes. This is nothing special. It becomes very difficult to sell great bikes after you sell your soul to the circle-P.

10 years ago

No, THIS is a bike with really short chain stays, produced by Ari Cycles: http://iconosquare.com/p/751589855262462760_298728379

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