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Secret Drink Mix Founder Dr. Allen Lim Tells All

Dr Allen Lims Secret Drink Mix product tin
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Dr Allen Lims Secret Drink Mix product tinDr. Allen Lim has been the nutritionist to some of the biggest teams (Garmin, RadioShack) and stars, helping them stay fueled, healthy and upset stomach-free during hours and days on the bike. In 2009, he developed the Secret Drink Mix, which only recently has been made available to cyclists of average ability like you and I.

I met Dr. Lim briefly and grabbed a few samples at Interbike. They’re delicious, and they worked well for me. What makes them different is the use of real, freeze dried fruit to flavor the products and no artificial or extraneous anything. Even the packaging is bare bones plain jane. That leaves only his ideal of an electrolyte and sugar blend that has worked for many of the best riders in the world. Here are his thoughts on the development of his drink, good hydration and fueling practices and more:

BIKERUMOR: You have another version for non-workout use…tell us about that.
LIM: The Anytime. We’ve had it out for quite sometime actually, we wanted to give the guys a low calorie electrolyte drink they could use off the bike to stay hydrated. It’s actually a lot like Pedialyte, except it doesn’t taste like crap. It’s a 2% solution, so only 50 calories per serving. I gotta tell you, it works amazing for hangovers. It also works anytime for diarrhea or when (the riders are) sick. Hence the “anytime” name.

How did you first get into developing a sports drink? What was the catalyst, and what was the first step?
The catalyst were the guys constantly complaining – moaning and groaning- about their bad stomachs. It was like a bunch of little kids and you just get sick of hearing it. But it was also a real issue. People just assume it’s inevitable that an endurance athlete will get sick of their drink, that they need to train with the drink they will race with. That’s like saying you have to get hit with a baseball bat repeatedly so it won’t hurt when someone hits you with a baseball bat.

The first step was buying every other product on the market and trying them all. It was trying to find a drink rather than developing our own. It was kind of a pain in the ass. The second step was taking the existing products and adding back electrolytes so we could reduce the sugar content. Guys are always diluting the sports drinks, which might get the sugar content right, but it dilutes out the electrolytes. And the real purpose of a sports drink is to maintain sodium balance. We tried different versions of ingredients, too, ending up with sodium citrate rather than sodium chloride. Then I talked with Dr. Stacy Sims in 2009 and teamed up to make a drink from scratch so I didn’t have to worry about getting the sugar and electrolyte concentrations right by mixing things into existing drinks.

About a week before that Tour, we found a formula that worked, made a few hundred pounds in my kitchen in Girona and took it to the Tour.

secret drink mix sports drink from Dr Allen Lim

What’s your background? You’re a doctor of….?
I’m a doctor of physiology. I have a degree in integrative physiology from the Applied Exercise Science Laboratory at University of Colorado Boulder.

What are other sports drinks doing wrong?
Too much sugar, not enough electrolytes. Too much artificial crap, sweeteners being one of them. They have weird flavoring agents that affect the osmality of the finished product (note: which determines the actual percent solution). We’re not adding back all these things to make it look and taste a certain way. Once you add all these superfluous ingredients, you’re kind of screwing things up, and that was the problem with these other drinks.

What in particular is wrong with artificial sweeteners?
One thing to to consider is that athletes that ride in the Tour are like a canary in a coal mine. They’re consuming so much of these things, more than most people, and what we found was that when they consumed a lot of sports drinks with artificial sweeteners, they had headaches, their stomachs were upset and the flavor wouldn’t leave their mouth, so they got flavor fatigue. All three hurt performance and make them not want to drink as much, which means they’d get dehydrated and that’s the one thing we definitely want to avoid.

You added Niacin (a B vitamin) to SDM, why?
It’s an important vitamin for energy metabolism, so we added a little bit back just to help things along. In the amount we used, it doesn’t hurt anything. And it’s actually a B-Vitamin complex, it’s just that only the Niacin is in a quantity high enough to require separate call out on the Supplement Facts panel. (Editor’s note: some people are extremely sensitive to niacin, which can cause a flushing, burning feeling on the skin, which is why I asked about this one in particular)

What about protein or amino acids for longer duration rides and races?
It’s interesting because the only protein I’ve found to work, and this works really well, is we put eggs in the rice cakes. The guys have never complained about stomach issues and we know they’re getting a bit of protein and BCAAs. This is a great line from Dr. Sims: “hydration in the bottle and food in the pocket”, and that seems to work for us.

Any plans for a gel or recovery drink?
We built a recovery drink for the guys in the Tour. It wasn’t a protein based drink, it was a high, high calorie carb drink to get the energy back in them. I don’t know if we’ll develop that for sale, we don’t use it all that often except in the grand tours. I don’t think we’re ever going to make a gel unless we really find confidence in something that that won’t upset tummies. As our experience and science changes, and as we find different ingredients, maybe that will change, but for now we don’t see the need.

Dr. Lim’s new The Feedzone Cookbook is out now, too. Check it out here. Full review coming as soon as it comes in the mail and we can whip up a few meals.

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13 years ago

Hmm, interesting about the Niacin. I’m one of those sensitive ones. He didn’t go into much detail. Did he say that it was a small enough does that if I had to go off a niacin based cholesterol med that this still wouldn’t have an impact on me?

Joey Brown
Joey Brown
13 years ago

I used Secret Drink mix for my longer rides and events this year. I found it it worked extremely well and really easy on my stomach. I also used the Anytime mix to keep hydrated while off the bike. Good stuff; thanks Dr. Lim for making this available to the average cyclist.

13 years ago

He didn’t get that specific, so probably best to check the ingredients with your doctor. If you check their website, click on the arrows beneath the image on the product page. It’ll scroll trough a couple images then show the ingredients statement. Then click in that image to enlarge and see the whole list.

13 years ago

did he give you a secret password?

il Bruce
il Bruce
13 years ago

Dr. Lim tells all? I hardly think so.

Steve M
Steve M
13 years ago

Here is mine. 1 part Captain Morgan, 2 parts cola over ice.

13 years ago

It must be the same drink he gave Landis on stage 17 to Morzine (what a stage!!) if that’s the case, i am a buyer.

It weird though that Lim had said that he never suspected that the guy was doping…very strange…

Il Bruce
Il Bruce
13 years ago

Better watch what you write or Landis will hack your computer.

13 years ago

Sounds dope

Joshua Murdock
13 years ago

Steve has got it right.

13 years ago

what a horrible website secretdrinkmix.com Most of their site won’t load on either my PC or Mac. Can’t buy it if the site doesn’t work.

13 years ago

@Scotty – website seems fine to me, I just place my third reorder. Maybe give it another try? It’s worth it.

13 years ago

Just got word from the good doctor that Bikerumor readers can punch in the secret code “rumor” at checkout for 15% off your order. Thanks Allen!

13 years ago

No nutritional info or ingredients on the website?
so i have to buy some just to see whats in it?

13 years ago

Can you use this in a camel back bladder without it leaving residue in there?

13 years ago

to answer my own question, the nutritional info is on there, you have to use the arrows under the picture to get to it.

13 years ago

Hello I am very new to the cycling world antd I am training for full ironman,this coming May.I trying to find that sports drink like alot of people th at will keep me hydrated. What about potassium. My wife (she is an rn) has appointed herself as my nutritioist. According to what she has found out about electrolites potassium level is more important then salt. Could you touch on this for me,i am not saying salt isnt important just that a correct potassium level is am important factor, and i have read everything i cam find about secret drink mix and i habent seen potassium mentoed.
My buddy uses one called heed, but i noticed he has to reshake the bottles each time he dronks it on the road, my thought os that if its not stayed mixed in the bottle it will do the same in my tummy.
thank for you time.
lance pennington
washington state

13 years ago

lance1959 secret drink mix contains lots of potassium go check out their website. Heed is also very good and probably the most popular but it has sweeteners in it and I WILL NOT put that crap in my body.

Bike Rumor I went to secredrinkmix.com but forwarded to skratchlabs.com how about an update on the their rebranding!

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