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2012 Model Rockshox Service Posters for Air, Oil Volume & Coil Spring Rates Available for Download

2012 model year Rockshox suspension forks oil volume and air setting charts PDF downloads
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2012 model year Rockshox suspension forks oil volume and air setting charts PDF downloadsRockshox has just made their service posters available for download for 2012 model year suspension forks. Click the links for PDF files of Oil Volume recommendations, Air Volume settings and recommended Coil Spring rates for different weight riders.

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Matt Holland
Matt Holland
13 years ago

Motion control Dh in the boxxers? typo!

13 years ago

My RockShox SID just snapped where the cable tie is… garbage…

13 years ago

the industry should really start to call it rider AND gear weight
every summer i get people that come in with a Reba fork that they say is to soft and that it is at or above their weigh for air i we need to explain that they need to account for all the water and support gear they have in their hydro-packs, helmet, safety gear (if they need it).

On another point i feel far more uneducated riders are on Rock Shox forks than fox, magura, marazocci, manitou, DT Swiss, and the like(29ers mostly, nothing against them just an obsevation). lots of those numbers change from place to place, and person to person and many of the people i have encountered keep saying again and again that the fork says I am here on the list why is it not perfect feeling or like my last (BLANK) fork.

13 years ago

Fox should make one of these for the guys who work in their factories. I guess then their factory workers would have to actually put the proper amount of oil in the proper area, which would just slow them down anyway….

13 years ago

#anon I think Sprung Weight is the proper term. Then you have to remember to tell the owner that where they carry the weight matters as well. a handlebar bag and rack bag of the same weight will effect the fork differently. so they’ll have to fudge the reccomendation based on those kinds of observations.

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