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Gu Goes Tropical with Chocolate Coconut Roctane and… Cucumber Mint Gu?

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As time goes on, GU seems to be getting more and more creative with their flavors. Shortly after introducing a (vegan) maple bacon GU energy gel, the company is offering up something a little lighter. For those looking for something bright and easy to consume during hot and humid training, GU just tapped their Cucumber Mint gel. No longer confined to infused water dispensers at fancy hotels, we’re curious to see if the gel is as refreshing as it sounds…


To go along with Cucumber Mint GU, there is also a new Chocolate Coconut Roctane which should be a hit. Like the other gels in the line, GU includes 450mg of amino acids, 125 mg of sodium, 20mg of caffeine and 100 calories while Roctane bumps it up to 1425mg of amino acids, 125mg of sodium, 35mg of caffeine and also 100 calories from GU’s mix of simple and complex carbs.

Available now, Cucumber Mint GU will sell for $34.80 for 24, while a 24 pack of the Chocolate Coconut Roctane goes for $60.


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9 years ago

Tried both of those flavors at Interbike, I liked them both, but really like the cucumber mint. Its about time someone made a mint flavor, been asking Clif to do one for years!

9 years ago

Thats a lot of gu posts in a raw. Could have put all flavors in one post!

Personally I like Cliff style bars a lot better than gels though. I “can’t” eat most of the Gu flavors 😉

9 years ago
Reply to  sad

In a row that is.

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