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Is your local bike shop open? Chris King & Portland Design Works interactive map updates shop status nationwide!

Bike Shop Status during COVID-19 pandemic: an interactive map
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With pandemic response measures varying state-by-state, it’s not always simple to figure out what shops are open and which are closed. But for many cyclists, bike shops are essential businesses, whether as transportation or a method of staying healthy and clear-headed among all the other turmoil around us. So, two mainstays of the Portland cycling community – Chris King & Portland Design Works – paired up to map which local bike shops are open around the US. Now you can figure out where to get your bike worked on, where you get the maintenance supplies you need, or just which shops you can still support in person…

Bike Shop Status during COVID-19 pandemic: an interactive map

Bike Shop Status during COVID-19 pandemic: an interactive map
c. Chris King & Portland Design Works

Component maker Chris King & gear maker Portland Design Works wanted to make it easier for the many local bike shops around the country to communicate that they were working hard to make sure they could still serve the needs of cyclists during the difficult time of the coronavirus pandemic. So the two companies paired up their staffing capabilities to create & maintain a national database of Bike Shop Status during the COVID-19 pandemic… then overlay that data on an easy to use interactive map of open shops. The two companies set up a Google Docs form where shops can provide their detailed up-to-date status to be included for free. Add your shop if you haven’t done so already!

Bike Shop Status during COVID-19 pandemic: an interactive map

Find out how the original local spreadsheet sharing shop status in Portland-only grew into this new nationwide database over at BikePortland.org.

Now, to find the shop nearest you or to check on your favorite bike shop, you can simply browse the map, click on your shop, and find out: current shop status, what special procedures they have adopted to protect customers & staff, when they last updated their status, and how to contact the shop.

Many of the shops in the database seem to have dialed back to limited operating hours, and many have taken measures to maintain social distancing in or around their shop. That might mean for some that they are handling bike service by appointment only, or only via curbside drop-off/pick-up, but also means many have added the possibility for home delivery & pickup too. Find your shop, find their current operating procedures, and support your local bike shop.

PDW & Chris King have committed to compiling info into the underlying dataset throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The vast majority of shops listed are in the US, but it does appear they have made it possible to at least add one shop in Scotland, so we’re curious if it might evolve as more of an international resource over time? Once shops are added, they will be able to freely update their status to keep customer informed.

Now that you know, stick to your local regulations, ride solo & ride safe to help us all get through this.

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Collin S
Collin S
4 years ago

I love bikes and all, but bike shops are not essential in a time like this. The most important thing is to stay home and stay safe. Here is my local bike shop’s position:


Huffagnolo SuperMagna
Huffagnolo SuperMagna
4 years ago
Reply to  Collin S

A poor opinion but one you are entitled to. As someone who works in a shop for a living and enjoys what they do, I know we are essential. Riding bikes is important both for getting around in a crisis, getting exercise and also for mental health. If an automotive shop can stay open or a liquor store then why not a bike shop?

I get that people should stay home and stay safe and I am 100% behind that but I also do not wish to lose my job and let my customers go without their bikes and the ability to buy and service their bikes.

We have been quite busy these past few weeks and while things are stressful and we are having to take a lot of extra precautions to keep everyone safe, I couldn’t imagine being shut down.

Plenty of people are essential workers like myself and need to get to work and public transportation is not a great option and Uber and Lyft are more expensive now or some people don’t want to do it so how to get to work? You could drive but some people don’t have a car or money for gas and maintenance, you could walk if you live close but again you have to live close.

Jamie Magee
Jamie Magee
4 years ago
Reply to  Collin S

You may own a car, but many employees of other essential businesses, such as grocery stores in cities, rely on bicycles for transportation. Especially when transit schedules have been reduced.

RoseMary Sindt
RoseMary Sindt
4 years ago

Thanks so much for sharing Cory! The map is only intended for US participation at this time. We have had a handful of sneaky shops from around the world make it on there, but the system isn’t set up to properly handle international address formats at this time.

4 years ago

the map is literally the most useless thing ever. there are 3 bike shops around me that I know are open yet they are not even listed. the only shops that this map shows are the horrible chain shops that all sell exclusively the big $Hit bike brand. there are literally 0 independent shops listed and most, from what I have heard are still open. So basically this is just a marketing tool that is capitalizing on the COVID to drive business to specific dealers. This is just more warm and fuzzy “we are looking out for our customer” BS.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

well, our shop is on there and we are far from a corporate chain….

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