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AASQ #50: Hemp Daddy’s answers your CBD related questions for cyclists

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Since proper studies don’t seem to be available on the benefits of CBD for workout recovery, what can be said that will convince me to use it? Anecdotal evidence etc… – Dane

Hemp Daddy’s: There are mounds of anecdotal evidence of athletes benefiting from CBD: i.e. better sleep, faster recovery, relief from pain. Also, the fact that CBD was recently removed by WADA from the banned substance list is telling that lots of athletes are using it, and benefiting. The best way to know for sure is to experiment on your own and find out! Also, Cannabis as medicine isn’t something new. It has been used as medicine since 4,000 B.C. It was only recently criminalized, faded away from medicinal use, and became demonized as an illicit drug.

As they say, “If it supposedly cures everything, it likely cures nothing.” What actual, independently funded and conducted peer-reviewed research shows that CBD is beneficial? And what exact benefits are there? – Justice

Hemp Daddy’s: I caution against the, “cures everything” mentality. It’s dangerous to say that CBD is a silver bullet. Some deep dives into Google Scholar can turn up some interesting articles. Israel has been studying CBD for years, especially around treatment of epilepsy and chronic pain. If you like to geek out over in depth studies. Check out this one on how CBD suppresses inflammatory and neuropathic pain.

I wouldn’t say CBD cures cancer, heals colds, or repairs a torn ACL, but CBD is good for: immune system support, reducing inflammation, fighting pain, reducing seizure activity, and helping people with depression and anxiety. Those are just a few things.

Sure, it’s hard to believe that one plant can help with so many things, but the anecdotal evidences are surmounting and more and more studies are surfacing. There are sure to be more too, since CBD has been legalized on the Federal level after the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill.

I live in a recreational-marijuana legal state, and use a vape pen regularly (but not heavily). Is there any benefit to taking CBD oils or topicals for people that use marijuana and are already getting some CBD in their system? Thanks! – Gillis

Hemp Daddy’s: There are definitely benefits to be had. Most recreational marijuana only has trace amounts of CBD. The hemp plant has high amounts of CBD and low amounts of THC, and there are lots of medicinal benefits CBD provides that you don’t get with THC. Some benefits of CBD include: anti-inflammatory properties, immune system support, neuroprotective properties, and anxiety relief.

CBD is also good to pair with THC if you want less of a high. It is known to reduce the psychoactive effects of THC.

Why not just take ibuprofen? – Joey

Hemp Daddy’s: Sure, it’s the cheaper solution, but CBD is more than just a pain reliever, plus CBD doesn’t damage your liver or kidneys. Aside from pain relief, CBD is great for reducing stress and anxiety, and can help you sleep better at night.

Does CBD oil need to be decarboxylated to become bioavailable in the same way THC-A does? Talk about decarboxylation for us. – Christopher

Hemp Daddy’s: Great question. Some brands like to promote their CBD as, “cold processed,” something I don’t understand in the least bit. In order for CBD to be “activated” it has to undergo a decarboxylation process, also known as heating!

You may remember the scene from the movie Super Troopers when the teenager eats an entire bag of marijuana to hide it from the police. He quickly begins to experience the high of his life, but this is far from reality. Simply eating your weed can’t make you high. It requires heat to turn THCA into THC, thus unlocking it’s therapeutic benefits. The same is true with CBDA being decarboxylated into CBD.

Does CBD help with sleep? I have a tenuous relationship with sleep, which usually gets worse the harder I train. For me it’s almost impossible to fall asleep after a hard training session, which means worse recovery, feeling more tired, which means I’m less able to sleep… and on and on. – Anthony

Hemp Daddy’s: Yes. CBD can definitely help with sleep, but at the same time it won’t make you tired if you take it during the day. Best way I can describe it is, CBD works with your bodies natural rhythms. CBD helps reduce inflammation and pain, and reduces anxiety, thus making it easier to sleep. Better sleep is almost always the first thing people notice when they start to take CBD. To get the most benefits from CBD for sleep, take your dose about an hour before you go to bed.

Is there any difference in how the body processes CBD based on the method of delivery? As in transdermal cream, oil under the tongue, oil in food, pill that you swallow, etc. – Rich

Hemp Daddy’s: Yes, there certainly is. CBD oil is the most effective way to consume CBD and provides the most bioavailability when taken sublingually. Simply put the oil under your tongue and let it sit there for 60-90 seconds. Capsules offer precise dosing, but offer a slower absorption rate. I like these for long exercise sessions or races, and for sleeping. The slower release over time has its benefits.

The transdermal cream is great for localized pain and is even more effective when talking along with the oil. The cream also provides some systemic benefits as well, but not as much as taking the capsules or the oil.

As far as taking the oil with food goes, go for it. Making your own CBD brownies! The effect will be similar to taking the capsules, slower release time, and longer to get into the system.

I’ve heard varying things regarding the legality of shipping and selling CBD in states where marijuana is not legal. Some say in that case the CBD has to come from hemp and not be full spectrum, others like you seem to claim that full spectrum CBD products can be sold anywhere. Has that changed recently? Is there a clear answer? – Mike

Hemp Daddy’s: The 2018 Farm Bill cleared up the legal gray area regarding shipping CBD. It very specifically removes CBD from the Schedule 1 substance list and states that hemp and all its derivatives are legal and can be shipped across state lines without interference by the state (although this is still happening with large truck loads of hemp).

The Farm Bill also makes CBD legal on the Federal Level, but it is still illegal on the state level in some locations. So be sure to check with your local state if it’s a concern, but CBD companies can and do ship to all 50 states.

I’ve read that CBD affects the way your body processes other drugs like prescription and over the counter medications. How do I know if it’s safe to take CBD with whatever I’m currently taking? – Sarah

Hemp Daddy’s: That is true. Project CBD has a great article about this. It’s best to consult your physician on situations like this, but I can tell you from personal experience and from some of my customers experiences that they did not have any issues. It may be as simple as spreading out the timing of your mediations with when you take CBD.

What’s the best way to use CBD oil like you sell? Swallow it as is? Sprinkle on your food? In your tea? – Sean

Hemp Daddy’s: Taking CBD oil sublingually is the best way to consume it, it provides the most bio-availability. Alternatively you can take it in capsule format, bake the CBD oil into a brownie (create your own edible). Our product is not water soluble so taking it in a tea is not the best option, but blending it up in a smoothie would work well. You can still consume it with a tea, but the oil will float on the top of your beverage. We are currently working on launching a water soluble CBD that can be added to beverages.

Late Additions:

One thing that is confusing is the dosing of CBD. There are different strengths. WOuldn’t it make the most sense to buy the strongest variant and take a few drops instead of getting a weaker version and taking 2 full dropper full of CBD? Why even make different strengths…simplify and give dosage instructions accordingly. – William 

Hemp Daddy’s: You are absolutely correct. You get the most value by purchasing a larger bottle and the highest strength. The main reason why there are so many strengths is price point. Having lower doses available allows more people to try at a lower price point. Also some people might only need a 10mg dose for overall health vs. somebody with chronic pain that might need a 90mg dose daily.

Hemp Daddy’s does offer a guide to dosing, available at: https://hempdaddys.com/how-to-measure-cbd-dose/

In terms of how many times a day you should dose depends on them person. Some people might be fine with a single daily dose. Others might need to dose two or more times per day for maximum relief. It’s always good to experiment with dosing in order to figure out what works best for you.

Interesting article. I’m reading this as I’m nursing a shattered knee, just a few weeks out from surgery. I’m curious about CBD and what the possible advantages may be from an ortho perspective. I’ve got inflammation (natural response to trauma), pain, joint stiffness, discomfort… CBD sounds like a cure-all. Any insight on this? Thanks. – Kovas

Hemp Daddy’s: I definitely would not say CBD will cure your knee. But it can likely help with speeding up recovery and reducing pain. Similarly, CBD won’t cure a chronic injury if you aren’t also taking the necessary steps for recovery, such as rest and physical therapy. CBD is just one more thing for your tool box to help you get back on the bike faster.


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Shawn Jones
Shawn Jones
6 years ago

Does taking CBD oil cause a fail on a company drug free program?

6 years ago

I’m sure Daddy’s is very impartial in it’s answers.

6 years ago

Bike Rumor should really stay out of Medical practice. Any treatment thst has power for good can cause harm. The better conducted studies show little to no effects of cannabinoid compounds for pain. Systematic reviews show the same. You can find poorly done anecdotal studies supporting their use, and people trying to sell you cannabinoids are quick to direct you to those. Please be careful.

6 years ago
Reply to  MER

“Please be careful”
I can understand loss of money, but where is the “power…can cause harm”? What is the harm?

Collin Snyder
6 years ago
Reply to  JBikes

Ask Steve Job’s about trying alternative medicine. There are so many wild claims out there for CBD and Cannabis from simple relieving aches and pains, or anxiety to curing cancer and crohn’s/Ulcerative Colitis. If one was to pursue the alternative path while postponing more proven methods, the harm is lost time, which could lead to missing the opportunity to treat a condition while it’s still treatable.

6 years ago
Reply to  Collin Snyder

Isn’t that the case for any homeopathic?

Collin S
Collin S
6 years ago
Reply to  JBikes


6 years ago
Reply to  JBikes

CBD isn’t homeopathy

6 years ago
Reply to  MER

One problem with medical research and research on marijuana and marijuana related products in general is that many studies aren’t repeated, but people mistakenly think that a handful of studies is sufficient for consensus. Sadly, that’s not the case at all. Worse, research on marijuana and related products is severely hobbled by the federal requirements for getting research money for said research. Until the federal restrictions on such research are lifted or until the number of hoops required to jump though is reduced by an order of magnitude or two, valid scientific conclusions and consensus on the benefits of things like CBD will be difficult to come by.

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