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Absoluteblack is looking at fat bikes with 26, 28 tooth oval chainrings

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absoluteblack 28-tooth oval chainring for 64bcd

With the heavier tires and often slushy, sandy or otherwise messy conditions fat bikes usually find themselves in, Absoluteblack’s new 28 and upcoming 26 tooth 64bcd oval chainrings could be a welcome way to add traction.

The brand currently offers oval rings in various direct mount and 104BCD chainrings, but the new 28-tooth drops down to a 64bcd to offer the equivalent of a 30-tooth ring in the power position and 26-tooth in the dead zone of your pedal stroke. And coming in a few weeks time will be an even smaller 26-tooth oval 64bcd. With many fat bikes converting to 1×10/11 drivetrains with minuscule chainrings up front, the smaller oval rings could bring the gearing and traction those riders seek. The 26-tooth 64bcd oval will retail for $54 / €46.99 / £36.99. Word is they’re also considering a 24-tooth oval.

Joining those just after Eurobike (read: early September) will be 26 and 28 tooth Race Face Cinch direct mount oval chainrings (30/32/34 already available) and SRAM GXP direct mount 26-tooth oval chainrings (28 and up already available). They’ll be available in the same red, black and green anodized colors as the rest of the range.

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9 years ago

“With many fat bikes converting to 1×10/11 drivetrains with minuscule chainrings up front, the smaller oval rings could bring the gearing and traction those riders seek.”

So can round rings. Oval rings provide no gearing or traction advantages over round (and I’ve love to see a demonstration otherwise on a fat bike!).

I thought AbsoluteBlack factored in the increased climbing that you got with smaller NW round oval rings in their shape? Wouldn’t that cause a problem when used on a fat bike that’s not climbing? Say it isn’t so!

It’s amazing to see all the “innovation” in oval rings from this company though. In a few years he may offer much of what Rotor has offered for over a decade. 😉 Imagine an actual selection of chainring sizes.

9 years ago

Need to add a 28T SRAM BB30 to that list of sizes for my Enduro 29er.

9 years ago

what about 28t for 94/96? I’d buy a crankset tomorrow.

9 years ago

I already use a 26T on my 29er for the steep climbs we have aroud here.
I will buy an oval 26T gxp when available.

9 years ago

Marcin @ Absoluteblack here

craigsj – I was waiting for your comment:) Each time there are news about us you can’t miss to write. And each time, I offer you one chainring for FREE so you can actually try the ovals yourself and understand how they work on your own. But you never reply…

You would love to see a demonstration?. great!. Let me send you one and you can show all of us:)

Have a nice weekend guys,

9 years ago

&Marcin, if you are giving them away for free I would love a 32t. Interesting product that I would definitely try.

9 years ago

Ovals were good enough for Sheldon Brown . http://www.sheldonbrown.com/biopace.html

9 years ago

Hey Marcin @ AbsoluteBlack! If he doesn’t respond I’ll gladly take a sample in his stead! Waste not, want not, ya know?

9 years ago

I am very excited about the 26t oval. I used a 26t round chainring last winter and thought it was perfect for Alaska. I have been using one of the 28t ovals this summer and have been very happy with it, but thought it would be a little large for crossing the Alaska Range in winter. Now I will have the right tool for the job this winter. THANK YOU, ABSOLUTE BLACK!! Well done!!!

9 years ago

@absoluteblack perfect response. I’ve been wanting to pick up on oval chainrings for the fatbike for some time. Just never found anything that went down to a 26t before

9 years ago

@absoluteblack, what’s the chainline with these 64bcd rings? Are they “dished” so they are closer to the middle ring position on a triple crankset? I’ve been waiting a bit for somebody to come up with this to try out the “famous” oval rings.

9 years ago

@Clark, yeah Sheldon was into them, but he thought that they should be run in the biopace config, which is 90 degrees rotated from the current recommendations, essentially creating the opposite effect. Not saying anyone is particular is right or wrong, just that his endorsement doesn’t really apply to the current models.

9 years ago

I’ve been riding an Absolute Black 32t nw ring on my XC bike, and I like it a lot. It can feel a little awkward at high cadences on the road, but it feels great when you’re grinding mtb climbs at 65-85 rpm. It just “feels” better than a round ring, and subjectively I think it does help traction and power when climbing. I have not dropped a chain yet either.

I am thinking about putting one on my enduro bike too, but don’t know if it will fit in my chainguide, don’t know if it would hurt quick accelerations out of corners, and I’m still not 100% sold on chain security for more aggressive applications if I dropped the chainguide.

9 years ago

Do they have a n/w fat bike enduro version?

9 years ago

@ Marcin- you have considerable grace when dealing with boorish behavior!

9 years ago

I run a 30T AB oval on my RF crank now. I will buy a 28T and 26T for swapping in steep terrain rides. This is an awesome development along with the Shimano 11-46T cassette coming.
Gearing choices have never been better.
BTW-Changing rings on a RF Cinch cannot be simpler. Literally a 2-3 minute operation. I have made it a pre-ride check item and do it when I lube the chain before each ride. The clocking options on a RF make this crank the only one I would consider using now.

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