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Adventure Vehicle: Rightline Gear Moki Step makes roof racks easier to reach

Rightline Gear Moki Step fits on any car door latch to help you reach roof top cargo boxes bike racks and ski or snowboard racks
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If the roof is the last (or only, or preferred) place to stash your gear or bring your bike, it helps if you can reach it easily. For shorter folks or those with taller vehicles, the Rightline Gear Moki Step puts it all in easy reach without any mods to your vehicle. Here’s how it works…

Rightline Gear updated Moki Door Step

The Moki Door Step hooks onto most car door latch hooks, giving you a step to put you about two feet closer to whatever is on top of your car, truck or van. The coated hook and rubber bumper at the back of the step keep it from scratching your car. As long as your vehicle has a hook that likes like this one (below), it should work for you.

Rightline Gear Moki Step fits on any car door latch to help you reach roof top cargo boxes bike racks and ski or snowboard racks

The Moki Door Step was originally designed by paramedic Zach Brown, who raised about $100,000 on Kickstarter to bring it to reality. Then he partnered with Rightline Gear, which makes a wide assortment of rooftop storage options and tents, to bring it to retail. Rightline Gear then upgraded the design by making the foot pad more aggressively shaped, to prevent slipping. And that…

Rightline Gear Moki Step fits on any car door latch to help you reach roof top cargo boxes bike racks and ski or snowboard racks

…appears to be what separates it from the myriad knockoff products on Amazon. So, yes, the Rightline Gear Moki is a bit more expensive than the others, but we’d better trust our footing on it in all weather conditions. The design is small enough to fit in many glove boxes or center consoles, spare tire wells, etc. Retail is $44.95, but even it is a bit cheaper on Amazon with Prime shipping available.


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6 years ago

Jesus that’s clever. However there is a Lot that can wrong and this guy is opening himself up to a whole raft of legal claims. Not sure slapping a use at own risk cuts the mustard anymore either.

6 years ago

This is just asking for trouble. the door latch was not designed to support a human hanging off of it. As well the leverage that this step creates will also be a detriment to the long term function of your cars door.

Rightline Gear
6 years ago
Reply to  gringo

@Gringo We understand your concerns, but can assure you that the Moki Door Step is in absolute compliance with all national testing protocols. Per the Society of Automotive Engineers (“SAE”) Document J839B: Passenger Car Side Door Latch System – Every vehicle’s door latch fitting must be able to withstand a vertical load of 2500 pounds and a horizontal load of 2000 pounds without failure. The Moki Door Step is rated to safely support 400 lbs. without damaging any of the vehicle’s latch components. You can learn the facts here: https://www.mokidoorstep.com/pages/faq

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