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Bike-Pure Promotes Clean Cycling, One Pro at a Time

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I ran across this site and thought it was interesting to see a startup group having already signed some pretty solid pro’s to represent that they’ll race clean.  A short interview later, and it’s seems Bike-Pure is making some progress in getting the peloton’s and the governing bodies’ attention, having already signed the likes of Olympic Mountain Bike Gold Medalist Christoph Sauser.  Their website contains some great links to anti-doping sites and organizations, lists of banned substances and the teams and riders that have signed their pledge to ride clean.

Answers by Bike-Pure’s Myles McCorry:

BIKERUMOR: How did this concept come about?

MYLES: In 2007 after the dismal tour de France, I lost heart and faith in Professional cycle sport after yet another drug scandal. The difference being, that it no longer rocked the sport. Drugs had become commonplace.  The conventional media only reported on the scandals and the ejected riders, without even reporting in the stage victor.

My vision to clean up cycle sport is to promote the clean real riders in the peloton. Not to focus on the drug cheats, inversely to ignore them. Ban them for life for bringing our beautiful sport into the gutter…and move on.  Restore trust and integrity with professional cycling.

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BIKERUMOR: Who are some of the pros that are already signed on?

MYLES: Christoph Sauser, the Olympic MTB champion and finest off roader on the planet for the last 8 years leads, the off-road campaign with Baden Cooke and Nicolas Roche fronting the peloton call for a clean up. All UCI 2009 teams received a team pack this week from Bike Pure. It cost them nothing to sign up. No time or money commitment. Just display the blue headset spacer and blue wristband, the mark of a dope free rider.

BIKERUMOR: I noticed the affiliates page isn’t complete, who are some of the companies supporting your efforts and what does it take to become an affiliate?

MYLES: We, bike pure are a not for profit organization. We launched last month for our 2009 campaign, but we need some support with administration. We hope this will come from the cycle trade thru positive brand association. If we can have a positive effect on the sport, it should filter down to more cyclists. We decided not to charge teams anything; we don’t want the teams to have any reason for not joining.

BIKERUMOR: Is this for pro riders only, or is it similar to USADA’s My Victory campaign where any cyclist can pledge to ride clean?

MYLES: NO, Bike Pure is for everyone. It is an umbrella group where Riders, Fans, and the trade all take a stand together, against doping and in support of True riders.

BIKERUMOR: You mentioned instituting a lifetime ban for those that are caught cheating…are the governing bodies like UCI receptive to this?

MYLES: The UCI are aware of us, endorse us and agree with our goals. But we are independent of them and WADA. We are only an organization trying to bring about change, but have to be subordinate to the sports governing bodies.

BIKERUMOR: What else would you like to share about Bike Pure?

MYLES: We have no hidden agenda. Just a simple mission and message. On group encompassing everyone from the young supporter to the UCI pro tour team manager.

BIKERUMOR: Where is your organization based?

MYLES: We have area coordinators in Australia, America and England, but the organization is based in Ireland as it in the Middle East coast. Andy Layhe is the media relations man and a director in Bike `Pure resides in the north of the Ireland. So we can   meet up and decide strategy.  We hope to have a presence at as many UCI events as possible, starting at the World Cyclo cross championships in Holland in Jan, where we will be supporting Bart and Geert Wellens, both who have sign to the group and pledged a drug free commitment.

BIKERUMOR: What is the “pledge” that riders sign?

MYLES: Here ya go. (click to enlarge)

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Jogen Gunnarsun
15 years ago

Hi. I had never heard of this organization Bike Pure before. I have now visited ther website and it looks a very excellent way of the fans to show that we are tyred of drugs doping in cycling. I applaud all riders and teams wo have signed so far. brilliant!!

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