As part of their participation in the Bikerumor Media Cup, the race within a race for us blogger/journo folk at the 2010 Breck Epic, each competitor has been asked to provide a photo or two and share a bit about themselves, mad libs style. Last week was Rich “Team Dicky” Dillen. This week’s contestant is Brandon Dwight, the man behind Doper’s Suck and an occasional contributor to VeloNews.
Name: Brandon Dwight
Hometown: Boulder, CO
Breck Epic Race Bike: Not sure yet.
Bike Spec: I know it will have Sram XX, fo’ sho’
Bike Weight: See aboveMy name’s Brandon Dwight and I’ve been riding bikes since I was four years old and racing for too damn long. I currently/used to race beginner, sport, expert, semi-pro, pro, cat 5, cat 2 (cheated my way through 4 and 3) and as an Intergalactic Pilot , and my favorite racing accomplishment is finishing the 2000 Single Speed Worlds after a long night of cheap beer and a flaming dumpster.
I’m ‘racing’ in the Bikerumor Media Cup because for some reason back in 2005 I decided to write about my cyclocross racing trip in Belgium for VeloNews.com and people liked it and now I still write for them once in a while. Unfortunately, no one I know is racing in the Cup too, which sucks because they are all probably really cool and will likely buy me a beer after the race.
However, Brian Riepe is racing in it too, which is good because I can brown nose him all week to give me some props in his mag.
Thus far, my training has consisted of getting my ass kicked in the Gunnison Growler, Bailey Hundo and the Firecracker 50. In the month leading up to the Breck Epic this August, I’ll be preparing by begging Scott Bicycles every day to loan me a 2011 Scale 949 carbon 29er so I don’t have to train as hard.
If I win the Cup, I’ll celebrate by making an utter fool of myself and embarrassing my wife at the post race party.
Another, more current photo, after the break…