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Bikerumor Podcast #022 – Julie Ann Pedalino: Frame builder, Machinist, Maximalist

interview with frame builder Julie Ann Pedalino about her custom bicycle designs and bilaminate tube construction method
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Julie Ann Pedalino is fresh. This was evident from her debut at the North American Handmade Bicycle Show in 2015 – the former artist brought a highly thematic bike that caught our attention at the time for its use of mixed materials and solid functional execution.

Julie Ann Pedalino, Philadelphia Bike Expo, 2019 show bike

Since then, however, Julie Ann has escalated. With each bike, she deploys a newly honed skill or capability so every bike is a little “more” than the last. When she found that she was limited by her jeweler’s saw in ornamentation, she picked up 3D modeling and a CNC machine to take her work to the next level through custom, Rococo-influenced dropouts and massive, custom bilaminate pieces for her “lugs.” Feeling restricted by steel and stainless, she’s started to move into titanium both as a frame material and in ornament.

Julie Ann Pedalino, Philadelphia Bike Expo, custom mixte Pedalino dropouts

While the evolution thus far has been impressive, the most exciting thing about Julie Ann is knowing that the next bike will always outdo the previous, that she will continue to imprint her maximalist vision on each new build. And the more you watch and understand about the processes of designing and building frames, the more you are struck by the many layers of deep complexity of her bicycles. This is why Julie Ann Pedalino’s biggest fans tend to be other frame builders.

Julie Ann Pedalino, Philadelphia Bike Expo, custom Pedalino

In this interview, Julie Ann talks about her path into frame building, her evolving process and capabilities, and the pressure of having what is probably the least enviable job in frame building: out-doing Julie Ann Pedalino with every bike she builds.

Julie Ann Pedalino, Philadelphia Bike Expo, stainless mixte

Stay tuned over the coming weeks for more conversations around the Philadelphia Bike Expo and SRAM Diversity Scholarship, including what should be some nerdy conversations with some incredibly talented builders. Get excited.

Star Trek Bike

Julie Ann Pedalino, Philadelphia Bike Expo, Star Trek bike Julie Ann Pedalino, Philadelphia Bike Expo, Star Trek bike Julie Ann Pedalino, Philadelphia Bike Expo, Star Trek bike with Beth Morford

Nebraska Gravel

Julie Ann Pedalino, Philadelphia Bike Expo, thistle gravel bike, Julie Ann Pedalino, Philadelphia Bike Expo, thistle gravel bike,

Pedalino Does Titanium

Julie Ann Pedalino, Philadelphia Bike Expo, Titanium ano frame Julie Ann Pedalino, Philadelphia Bike Expo, Titanium ano frame

2019 Philadelphia Bike Expo Teasers

Julie Ann Pedalino, Philadelphia Bike Expo, 2019 show bike sketches Julie Ann Pedalino, Philadelphia Bike Expo, 2019 show bike Julie Ann Pedalino, Philadelphia Bike Expo, 2019 show bike

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David Dye
David Dye
4 years ago

Julie’s work is fucking amazing! The pictures just really don’t do it justice. Can’t wait to see what she comes up with next!

4 years ago

Wow, the amount of quality work in those photos is impressive! I’ll definitely give it a listen. Keep it up!

4 years ago

She brings such a fresh perspective on the art of frame building. I can’t wait to see what’s next – seems she’s on the right (tool) path to continue making unique bikes in steel and ti! & thank you Anna for this insightful interview!

Richard Sachs
Richard Sachs
4 years ago

Great interview end to end.

Drew Diller
4 years ago

A lot of fun moments in this interview, I had a good chuckle at Anna’s reaction to Julie describing her CNC mill. Pushing a lousy mill to its limits is intensely relatable, but I nearly fell out of my chair at the “no limit switches” comment. Oh wow that is a LOT of babysitting. Count me as a +1 to Julie’s fan base, in a time when my social media experience can be so monotonous, I have been repeatedly and pleasantly shocked by what Julie has made.

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