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Bikerumor Podcast Ep #029 – The Future of Gravel Racing: Part One

podcast interview with dirty kanza founder and other popular gravel race promoters and racers on the future of gravel cycling in the USA
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Ready to get your gravel on? At this winter’s ENVE Gravel Camp, they brought out several of the biggest names in gravel races. We round tabled with the promoters and owners of Crusher in the Tushar, Dirty Kanza, Rebecca’s Private Idaho, The Mid South, which was formerly known as The Land Run 100, SBT Gravel in Steamboat Colorado, and Pete Stetina, who’s a pro racer that’s just launched his own gravel ride event called Pay Dirt.

MC-ing the discussion is gravel racer extraordinaire Yuri Hauswald, and he brings us through all the major topics affecting gravel cycling and racing today. Everything from why gravel is so hot right now, how they’ve built their races so big (or why they’ve chosen not to), getting more women to show up and how the industry can do better, and what effect it’ll have when the pros really start showing up and crushing us mere mortals. It’s a lot, running a hair over two hours, so we split this into two parts. If you want to know what the state of gravel riding and racing is, this conversation will both enlighten and entertain!


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5 years ago

This epeisode isn’t up in Apple or in your site?

5 years ago
Reply to  Dodin

Are you still unable to see it in Apple Podcasts or listen thru the embedded player?

K-Pop is dangerous to your health
K-Pop is dangerous to your health
5 years ago

Out of all the BR podcasts this is by far the worst sound quality. Made it 20min in and gave up. I don’t know if it’s the interview space being more open, or maybe the mics weren’t set up right. It sounded like instead of mics everybody was talking into coffee cans. And the phasing is so pronounced I started to have LSD flashbacks to my rave days! I see pt. II was just released and has the same sound issue. Unfortunate.

Fred Gravelly
Fred Gravelly
5 years ago

So you were a raver……..

5 years ago

Very poor sound quality – too much compression?

5 years ago

All, the interview was an impromptu opportunity to capture this crowd, and I used the two lav mics I had with me…best we could do given the long table all the interviewees were sitting at, spread all the way down one side. Yuri was sitting off to one end, farthest from the mics, but fortunately his voice carries. Only so much that could be done in post production, but a very interesting pit of interviews nonetheless. Cheers, Tyler

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