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Books: Seven Deadly Sins Follows Armstrong’s Unraveling Saga, Racing Weight Gets Update

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seven deadly sins book by david walsh about lance armstrongs doping accusationsLA Confidential author and chief sportswriter for The Sunday Times London David Walsh has just released his followup book, Seven Deadly Sins: My Pursuit of Lance Armstrong.

The tome follows his longtime coverage and efforts to uncover Armstrong’s alleged doping and the vindication following USADA’s damning evidence. The book covers 13 years of reporting, including research done for LA Confidential and his followup, From Lance to Landis.

The book’s available in paperback and ebook for just under $20.

In lighter news, the 2nd Edition of Racing Weight by Matt Fitzgerald is out. The update brings new research and simplifies food selections. From the PR:

“The new edition of Racing Weight offers improvements to practical tools that make weight-management easy. Fitzgerald’s no-nonsense Diet Quality Score improves diet without counting calories. A new chapter on Racing Weight superfoods suggests diet foods high in the nutrients athletes need for training. Supplemental strength training workouts can accelerate changes in body composition. Daily food diaries from 18 pro athletes reveal how the elites maintain an athletic diet while managing appetite.”

Cover photo after the break. Find it on Amazon for about $13

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12 years ago


even playing field; best man won

12 years ago

Haters gonna hate. And cash in.

12 years ago

no ebook?

12 years ago

If the first two comments are indicative of the general cycling community then nothing has changed.

I can understand a certain fatigue but it requires a small bit of stamina to keep the momentum up and clean up the sport for the next generation of little racers – if you accept the premise of the first comment.

The whole Lance thing – for me – is not just about the doping. It is a about the collateral damage done to those caught up in the systematic fraud, the threats and the bullying. If one can blandly overlook that then there is never any hope that we could agree. In my opinion there is a clear moral distinction between self harm and the harm of others.

Finally Walsh has risked everything over the past 13 years in a quest to clean up a sport he is completely passionate about. This is not just some provincial hack, he is the overall UK journalist of the year – not just sports writer. Tenacity like his is to be admired.

12 years ago

“Even playing field; best man won.”

Possibly the most asinine pro-doping argument constantly regurgitated. Ignores the fact that PEDs have a varying effect on individual riders.

By abusing PEDs, Armstrong and those who pander to him, have lost the right to stake the claim of “being the best regardless”. His performance prior to widespread doping does not point to a developing domination of the Tour.

Agree with the comments about cashing in – certainly feels that way. However, Walsh was on the receiving end of Armstrong’s ire for a decade so maybe he deserves his moment to cash in…

bob flemming
bob flemming
12 years ago

“even playing field; best man won”

Possibly the daftest comment regularly made about this whole fiasco.

12 years ago

If I hear ‘even playing field again’……. such a damn moronic argument, perhaps people peddling that excuse should tell those suffering from medical conditions why one treatment works for one and not another. Oh wait, that’s right cancer has been eradicated because its a level playing field, the same treatment works for everyone!!!!!!!!!!

12 years ago

@DTT: Even playing field

12 years ago

Let’s look at the positive side here: we have a 2:1 ratio of pro-dopers vs. anti-dopers in the discussion. Anti-doping is winning by a huge margin. Look at the intelligence in the arguments – pro-dopers sound like thugs.

I’m excited to read Walsh’s book. It will make me more determined to see the sport I love clean up.

12 years ago

Adam2, Just because the anti-dopers use more words does not make them more correct or smarter. It just means they need to do more verbal gymnastics to try and justify what is in it’s essence a simple scenario.

Tell yourself whatever you need to, but don’t hate on those that aren’t spinning elaborate webs to keep lance in a positive light.

12 years ago

Hey, that’s me!

12 years ago

As I said, smug haters gonna hate. Look at all the sanctimonious high horse riders around here.

If USADA was not on its misguided crusade against Armsstrng – NOTHING would have changed in cycling, except it would not be dragged through mud. If you want to fight doping – test. No reason for petty vendettas.

12 years ago

@KS: exactly.

Psi Squared
Psi Squared
12 years ago

Lance’s (deleted) are always gonna bend over for him.

Psi Squared
Psi Squared
12 years ago

Oh, that’s not compliment for those still applying suction to Armstrong’s dorkus.

12 years ago


even playing field; best man won

12 years ago

Just because someone thinks it was a even playing field during that time does not mean they are pro dopers. It just means they are reading the facts and coming to a logical conclusion.

12 years ago

@ off-roadie: You doing it wrong. The correct response should have been, even playing field again. Just sayin’…

12 years ago

It was not an even playing field. Not all riders had the UCI help cover up their doping charges. The entire problem was the fact that the playing field was uneven, that is why it is called cheating. The sport was no longer about the strongest rider but the rider with the most influence and money behind him.

12 years ago

Nobody cares if it was a level playing field. Nobody cares if Lance was a douche.

If was years back, it is water under the bridge. The only reason to go after him now was to pursue some other unsavory agenda. It is not fighting doping, it is just shock journalism, or self-promotion in USADA’s case.

This “anti-drug” crowd are just gossiping sanctimonious blowhards.

12 years ago

@delboy and Mike – Well said. The “even playing field” trolls are either in denial or they seem to think that because the case against Lance was created from less than perfect conditions it somehow excuses what has been a decades-long betrayal of cycling and it’s fans. Well, sorry guys. A reckoning like this never comes about in a perfect manner nor is justice necessarily perfectly applied to every guilty party in perfect proportion. I’m the first one to say that Lance made the world a better place with Livestrong and all his work for cancer victims, but that doesn’t stop me from accepting the overwhelming evidence that he mercilessly sought to out-dope the competition. With no consideration for the innocent victims of his ambitions. He is obviously an extremely dedicated individual who worked incredibly hard to achieve success in his sport. It’s just that doping is one of the things he also worked really hard at.

Psi Squared
Psi Squared
12 years ago

Even playing field, eh? So everyone had access to the same drugs, the same amount of drugs, and the same money to buy drugs. Likewise everyone had the same elaborate doping machine that USPS had with couriers, ability to evade, number of personnel………. Oh, and everyone wielded the same threats and intimidation that Armscum did. Say, did anyone else see the overt threat to Simeoni on TV? Say, did anyone else call and threaten Betsy Andreu. Say, did any other scumbag label Emma O’Reilly a prostitute because she had the nerve to speak out about the doping going on at USPS?

Yeah, some level playing field. Alas, the level playing field idea doesn’t pass any measure of critical thought.

12 years ago

LOL at sanctimonious blowhards.

“Betrayal of cycling” my butt. Could you be any more of drama queens?

Psi Squared
Psi Squared
12 years ago

Could Mindless be more of a blowhard? Apparently a lot of people care about a level playing field and aren’t hip to the laissez faire attitude you have. Oh well, it’s those people that count.

12 years ago

This comments section is the same as EVERY OTHER comments section from EVERY OTHER article about Armstrong, Landis, Doping, USADA, UCI, Kimmage, McQuaid, etc.. I’m glad we’re all solving all of cycling’s doping problems with our “informed” opinions. Kepp up the good work everyone!!

12 years ago

Step 1: Make it my life’s work to bring someone down.
Step 2: Cash in on his demise…
Who’ll be next…

12 years ago

@needalawyer – conspiracy theory much?

12 years ago

heh heh. You guys are arguing with a guy who calls himself Mindless.
Using words to make an argument? That’s liberal elitist BS!

12 years ago

All you pro dopers probably voted for Obama…WABOF DA’s.

Moon Light Bike
Moon Light Bike
12 years ago

There are going to be as many opinions as there are bike trails beneath our wheels. Hi, this is what I have learned over the last several months:

1) There are a lot of moral grey areas on this subject; it seems both cyclist and system are flawed.
2) The cyclist in question betrayed a large community who consider cycling a true and noble passion. The betrayal may only be ‘apparent’ but the feelings are definitely real because human feelings tend to find the truth and know it when they see it. Welcome to being a human.
3) Illegal success can be rationalized by good measures like Livestrong to the point that the liar and his fans believe the nobility of his own lies. They morph into justifications and rationalizations, these are crutches and walkers. He needs these to walk again, he’s been crippled from competition as recompense. He needs his fans. And his fans give their power to him. They feel strongly too.
4) This cyclist never has and never will represent the true, naturally talented and humble sports hero that we all will love. And he could have achieved that if he had even one a SINGLE tour without doping.
5) People who want to argue one extreme or the other online are more interested in the petty human drama of it all. Particularly, the ones who defend this cyclist because then I feel ill at what you would allow as permissible in the sacred realm of sportsmanship. If the playing field is LEVEL and everyone’s doped ILLEGALLY, then we all need to know that everyone is CONDEMNED.

In conclusion: If it was a true witch hunt then someone would have been burnt at the stake by now! It seems that betrayal has horrible effects on the soul, as badly as cancer does to the body. We will all die though. The bicycle will live on! Live Strong and Live True (when we true it)! Long live a moon light bike!

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