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Can Tour de Georgia Bike Race Be Saved?

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tour_de_georgia_logoThe Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports today that the Tour de Georgia bicycle stage race is on life support and may go the way of the dinosaur if a major sponsor can’t be lined up for 2011.

Event organizers recently made the decision to cancel the 2010 race when they couldn’t get a title sponsor to kick in the necessary $500,000 to $1,000,000.  The lack of a major financial supporter has a negative trickle down effect that makes it nearly impossible to secure all the supporting and secondary sponsors that make the event possible.  It costs about $3.5 million to put on the six day, 600-mile race.

The race, which had a successful six-year run from 2003 to 2008 and saw Lance Armstrong compete more than once and win the 2005 event, is estimated to pump in more than $30 million annually to Georgia’s economy.

Check out the full story on AJC.com here.

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15 years ago

If the race brings $30M into the GA economy, why doesn’t the state sponsor it? Shell out 1 million in public investment and generate 30 million in private spending…Sounds like a good stimulus to me!

Eric Jensen
Eric Jensen
15 years ago

AT&T cut loose Tiger Woods promo deal so they have a money what’s the problem?

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