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Every Indoor Training Platform Compared – Zwift vs Kinomap vs RGT vs Rouvy vs Sufferfest vs Veloton vs BKool vs CVRcade vs FulGaz, then TrainerRoad & more!

how does zwift compare to kinomap vs sufferfest vs bkool vs rgtcycling vs cvrcade vs veloton vs using a peloton bike
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Not only has indoor training increased in popularity, but with the novel coronavirus forcing many of us to stay home, we can at least be grateful for the massive improvement in virtual training programs available now. Zwift may be getting close to becoming a synonym for indoor training, but there are a LOT more options out there.

If you’re wondering what the best indoor training app is, or just curious what the differences are between them, we’ll help you figure out the best option for you. Here, we’ll explain the main features and differences between TEN different virtual indoor training platforms you can stream onto your big screen…


what are the alternative indoor training apps besides zwift

OVERVIEW: Zwift truly gamified indoor training by offering an immersive looking virtual world where you can ride as an avatar, compete against others, and customize your equipment to gain an advantage.

One of the strongest features is the social integration, letting you plan group rides, races and meetups. If they could integrate voice chat, it would take that to the next level, but it’s still the largest pure cycling platform here with such deep real-time shared riding integrations.

The variety is lacking a bit – they have just six worlds with a total of 64 available routes inside them as of this post. But they’re constantly developing new things, have a rotating “guest” world every month, and offer a fairly open beta program to let users try new features (like steering, mountain biking) to provide feedback. But one of our favorite things about Zwift is that they offer free accounts for kids under 16.


  • Blends solid riding and training with entertaining social aspects
  • Customizable avatars and bikes
  • Huge user base means there’s always someone to ride with
  • The pros use it, so you can race directly against them
  • Opportunities to get noticed by pro teams
  • Free accounts for kids

PRICE: 7-day free trial, then $14.99/month. Free for kids 16 and under.

TL;DR: Zwift lets you ride through video game-like virtual worlds and racing others in real time, with leaderboards. Zwift.com


kinomap lets you virtually ride the famous climbs of the tour de france by streaming them to your big screen for indoor cycle training

OVERVIEW: Kinomap takes user-generated videos and GPS tracks, then creates videos that will move at the same pace as your riding. By pairing your speed and cadence sensor (at a minimum, using a power meter or smart trainer will improve the experience), it syncs the video’s speed with your speed, allowing you to “ride” thousands of routes around the world. These include all of the most famous climbs in major races like the Tour de France. Even the CERN Large Hadron Collider.

It’s a cool way to see parts of the world you can’t get to, have an nearly endless supply of fresh scenery on every ride, and even upload some of your own footage. The latter means you could upload (or find someone else’s) footage of a big race you’re training for and get a good feel for the elevation, scenery & and key segments. Power users can even earn (a little) money by submitting good videos and routes.

Kinomap also offers running and rowing routes, all accessible under a single account. Check out our ultimate virtual cycling environment build with Kinomap to see it in action.


  • 129,000+ miles of real world footage
  • Thousands of routes to choose from
  • Growing library of HD, stabilized video
  • Inexpensive, plus a one-time lifetime membership option, too
  • Training videos and programs with specific workouts included
  • App-based, with option to stream video to a big screen
  • Works with 900+ trainers, treadmills & rowers

PRICE: Unlimited free trial of a few routes. Full access is $10/mo, $79.99/year, or $229 for lifetime membership.

TL;DR: Kinomap lets you ride just about any route from any major road race in the world, all from the comfort of your own home. kinomap.com

RGT Cycling

RGT cycling virtual indoor riding app lets you race against friends

OVERVIEW: Offering a completely free version that lets you ride their “Real Roads” and join races, RGT is something like taking the idea of Zwift and also making it more of a social ride tool accessible to anyone, than just a virtual training tool. You get simulated real-world routes and a computer generated avatar on a bike, plus that key opportunity for FREE virtual riding without any subscription plan at all.

OK, the free version of RGT is pretty limited to just a handful or real roads (like Ventoux above, and another handful of classics covering everything from mountain climbs to crit courses to cobbled race routes… Stelvio, Paterberg, Formentor, etc.) But the idea is that paid members can invite other cyclists to join them for free. RGT also claims the most realistic physics engine to better recreate real drafting & braking results, unlike most other virtual platforms.

Have a bike shop and want to invite people for free virtual group rides when a pandemic puts everyone on self-quarantine? RGT lets a paid subscriber create a virtual ride from real road data, then invite anyone else to come join you for free. That also means event promoters can pay to design custom or real race course, and invite participants for free. Or your single paid subscriber riding partner can create a regular weekly group ride, and everyone else rides for free. Premium also gets access to structured TrainingPeaks-created workouts, custom-made “Magic” roads with generic scenery.


  • Cyclists can RGT’s standard Real Roads and join ANY event for free!
  • Virtual avatars riding virtual recreations of real-world roads
  • Ride data is saved & synced to training plat like TrainingPeaks, etc.
  • Premium paid members also get access to structured & personalized Real Training plans, all RGT’s recreated Real Roads, organizing their own or attending any virtual Real Events, Magic Roads creation based on any uploaded GPX file.

PRICE: Free for Real Roads & attending Real Events. 14-day free Premium trial, then $15€ per month for full feature access.

TL;DR: A free platform for anyone looking to casually ride online – on eight classic routes or invited events. Then, paid premium membership that lets you train, organize rides & invite anyone to join you for free, or turn any prior real-world ride into a virtual ride. RGTcycling.com



OVERVIEW: Rouvy blends elements of Zwift and Kinomap into a system that offers real-world routes with avatar-based riding. It also uses user-generated content (video + GPS file) to produce speed-paced video routes you can ride.

Want to ride (or race) others in real time on “real” roads? Rouvy has a limited number of those routes processed into “worlds” that you can ride as an avatar with others. The rest of their 7,000km of routes are first-person POV ride footage with GPX data to simulate the grade and effort.

Add in 4,000 workouts (including TrainingPeaks WODs), and the ability to build your own, and you’ve got a realistic looking virtual race platform with enough training structure to help you get fit between group rides. Oh, and they pay out with annual competitions, too!


  • Virtual avatars riding real-world roads
  • Race against friends
  • $10,000 annual Challenge prize purse
  • $10,000 annual Career prize purse

PRICE: 14-day free trial, then $10/month for a family account with unlimited profiles.

TL;DR: An interesting mix of real and virtual that could change the game down the road, Rouvy is one of only two platforms offering cash payouts for online bike races. Rouvy.com

The Sufferfest

how does the sufferest compare to zwift

OVERVIEW: The Sufferfest was a pioneer in making indoor training videos tolerable. Enjoyable even. They invented the idea of combining real race footage, an entertaining narrative, killer music and tough, structured workouts. The result was something infinitely more watchable than a taped spin class, and it immediately became one of our favorites.

Fast forward to today and they have more videos, better music, and much larger library of workouts developed by APEX Coaching’s Neal Henderson. They also have Yoga, Strength Training, and Mental Fitness videos to make you a more well-rounded athlete.

Subscribers can even download workouts for offline use, great if you’re traveling.


  • Entertaining without needing social aspects
  • 4DP tests reveal more than just your FTP
  • Uses that data to customize workouts for your goals
  • Offers Yoga, Mental and Strength workouts, too
  • Offline workout videos
  • Unique, highly rewatchable videos

PRICE: 14-day free trial, then $14.99/mo or $129/year.

TL;DR: Killer videos, great music, and solid workouts make The Sufferfest highly effective and re-watchable. TheSufferfest.com 


bkool turns your GPX file into a virtual world simulation that you can ride on your trainer

OVERVIEW: BKool seems to package the best features into one app by turning GPX data into three different experiences. Upload (or find an existing route from their huge list) and you can ride it as a 3D avatar, follow the video, or see your progress on an advanced map.

Once a route is uploaded, their system transforms the GPX route into a virtual world, making it look like the screenshot above.

They run league events throughout the year, letting you challenge yourself against others while competing on the same stages (usually at the same time) the pros race on. Or challenge a friend to beat your time.


  • Turns real outdoor rides into virtual experiences
  • Three viewing modes for every route
  • Thousands of different routes to choose from
  • Upload your own video + GPX files to create routes
  • Leagues and challenges let you race against others
  • Lets you customize your avatar’s jersey, kit & bike colors

PRICE: Free month trial, then $9.99/month

TL;DR: BKool turns your real world rides into virtual 3D simulations that you can ride indoors. BKool.com 


what is the Veloton indoor cycling training app

OVERVIEW: Veloton is the only app in this list that’s not quite ready for you to try, but it looks promising. It’s being built by the folks who make the VirtuPro indoor cycle, and for now, the beta test access is only offered for those who own that machine.

virtupro stationary bike allows you to steer your avatar in the Veloton cycling trainer app

Why? Because it has built-in steering controls that let you steer your in-game avatar. This is key because it’s one of the few (only?) games that won’t let you ride through another player’s avatar. That means you can block riders during a sprint, use team tactics, and otherwise better simulate real-world pack riding.

The other key difference is that it doesn’t use the power measurement coming from your smart trainer or bike to determine in-game speed. It’s only using your speed sensor for that, so your avatar will coast along just like you would in the real world as your trainer spins down. This helps you keep moving like normal, and take better advantage of drafts and descents to recover.

They’re working on adding popular traditional smart trainers to their approved device list, and you can join the Beta Access list on their homepage.


  • Simulated real-world look and feel
  • Team and individual racing
  • Ability to block and draft other riders
  • Look backward to see if an attack is coming
  • Steering, but for now that requires their Virtu Pro Cycling bike
  • Seriously good graphics


TL;DR: Real racing tactics, realistic coasting, and impressive graphics could make Veloton the game to beat when (if) it moves out of Beta.  VelotonCycling.com


cvrcade turns cycling into a video game where you win by pedaling faster and longer

OVERVIEW: Launched by former Zwift team members and chasing the e-Sports dream, CVRcade took the “video game” concept of indoor training to the next level with some really interesting new features. In-game audio chat was the low hanging fruit, but wind conditions, drafting, steering, power-ups, and even crashes add real strategy to the experience.

Throw in a full race schedule with cash purse and the fact that it’s completely free to use and it sets itself apart from the rest. Their “Physical Equalization” feature helps level the playing field in terms of power output, making endurance, skill and strategy more important.

You can race solo or create teams, customize your avatar, the maps, and more. Some skins, upgrades and options are paid, much like on Fortnite, Roblox or Titanfall.


  • Completely free
  • Retro video game look and feel
  • Upgradable bikes and aesthetics
  • In-game audio chat
  • Requires skill to win, not just raw power
  • “Physical Equalization” lets you race against anyone
  • Cash purses

PRICE: Free, with paid upgrades and skins available

TL;DR: Want to race a Tron bike against others? CVRcade lets you ride through a video game and try win money. CVRcade.com


OVERVIEW: FulGaz is an app based training platform that pairs real first-person, action cam shot HD bike ride footage with your indoor trainer efforts to more accurately reproduce what it feels like to ride outside on the open road. While other platforms rely on gamification, competing against other rider avatars to keep you interested while stuck on the trainer, FulGaz tries to make it look like riding real life roads (even gravel, too!)

In the background, it’s still a solid training interface, matching the smooth video footage to advanced physics modeling to make virtual riding feel real. Simple stats overlays give you all the detail you need to keep on a training target, yet aren’t obtrusive if you just want to ride.


  • Hundreds of real roads from 24 countries to train on (currently 596 routes & 11,711km)
  • New rides emailed to members every week
  • ALL rides shot with real HD video that responds to your efforts
  • Pre-made workout library & training plans overlaid on ride videos available, too
  • Smooth video available for Apple TV, iOS, Android, or Windows 10

PRICE: Like most, a 14-day free trial to get you hooked, then $13/month or $109/yr. If you buy an annual subscription, it also lets you add a second family member for free.

TL;DR: Real high-definition video footage, all shot on bikes then linked to GPS data so you feel like you are actually riding on real roads, not in a video game. FulGaz.com

What about TrainerRoad?

The real purpose of this head-to-head breakdown of all the major virtual training platforms is to compare the different options for cyclists looking to recreate outdoor riding, indoors. These ten main options pretty much opt for either real video shot out on the road or a virtual video game environment. But we’re probably remiss in not calling out TrainerRoad as a viable option for cyclists looking to get their indoor training on. While it’s mainly a workout builder tool, not an actual virtual world or video platform that adds that extra element of entertainment, TrainerRoad is one of the most popular tools for effective indoor (and outdoor) training.

Pick the overall training plan, then individual workouts to move towards your personal race or event target, then follow the easy-to-understand power-based effort guidance to keep your training rides pointed towards your goal. It’s pretty much just staring at power graphs to keep on target, so might be less motivating & entertaining for some who need the distraction of video or video games.


  • Customized structured indoor workouts and “science-based” training plans
  • 1000 structured interval workouts to train on
  • Training that works indoors on the trainer, and outdoors on the road
  • Ride Analysis Tools to track your progress
  • BYOE, bring your own entertainment. No video or video game distractions, simply training optimized to power output.

PRICE: $20/month, $190/yr. If you buy an annual subscription, it also lets you add a second family member for free.

TL;DR: Sweat it out with your goal in mind. No games, no distraction. Just you pushing yourself to improve your power output towards a custom goal you define. TrainerRoad.com

How does Peloton compare to Zwift and other “real” cycling training apps?

peloton indoor bicycle trainer requires a monthly subscription for training video access
Photo ©Peloton

We view Peloton and its ilk as more of a “fitness” product aimed at a totally different audience. Not because it wouldn’t develop cycling power, speed and endurance just as well, but it’s really because of the marketing, equipment and training experience they offer.

Peloton offers a great social aspect, both socializing and social pressure (or motivation, depending on how you look at it). The training experience is driven by real, live coaches and leaderboards. But you’re watching someone on a spin bike rather than rolling down a real or digital road.

At $39/mo plus a minimum investment of $2,245 for just the stationary bike, it’s a more expensive ongoing monthly commitment. And you can’t take the bike outside when the weather’s nice.

What about iFit? Anything else out there?

how does iFit cycling trainer compare to Peloton
Photo ©iFit / Icon Fitness

iFit is Icon Fitness’ alternative to Peloton, offering coach-based training. Their unique take is that the experience expands beyond the spin studio with outdoor-based riding. And running and rowing, too. Even strength training. Of course, you’ll need their bike, their treadmill, their rower and their workout machine to use all of them, but you get access to all of them with a single subscription.

If you’re looking to build out a full, multi-sport home gym, they’ve got it all. The social aspect isn’t nearly as strong on their platform, but the scenery’s better.

So, why would you choose one of these over a bicycle trainer-based platform? If you want one indoor trainer for the whole family, the stationary bikes are the way to go.

Which virtual cycling trainer platform is the best?

That really depends on what you’re going for. Entertainment? Try CVRcade and get your friends to join. Zwift gets close while offering a bit more of a serious training platform. Kinomap should beat your boredom while also providing a killer workout, and Rouvy is trying to take the best of both of those. The Sufferfest is great if you prefer to train solo and just get the damn job done without being bored out of your mind.

You could argue we’re living in the golden age of virtual, indoor training options. Each one has its own unique take on indoor spinning. Which ones have you tried? What’s your favorite? Did we forget one? Let us know in the comments!

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4 years ago

Why would you exclude TrainerRoad?

4 years ago
Reply to  someguyinpdx

No TrainerRoad?

4 years ago
Reply to  someguyinpdx

With the article title “Every Indoor Training Platform Compared”, the TrainerRoad omission is huge, from a training perspective. It dwarfs nearly every option above if fitness is your priority. The Suf is really the only one that touches it for real training.

I suspect they didn’t include it since TR deliberately avoids any “entertainment” features, that are a common theme of the others shown here. That, or BR is missing out on the #2 indoor training app (behind Zwift) for some other crazy reason?

Kristi Benedict
4 years ago
Reply to  someguyinpdx

We didn’t exclude them on purpose. Tyler asked at the end if there were any he forgot. He’ll update the post with TR and Fulgaz.

4 years ago

Well, I suggest a bit more research than those two. DC Rainmaker has the most comprehensive list out there. This is one from years ago, because he hat not released a 2020 version, but this is something I recommend reviewing for any update you have planned.

I’d also just suggest avoiding conclusive statements like “Every…” since you had a rather small list that was well short of the broader options available. More correct would be “Ten Indoor Training Platforms…”.

And the “compared” aspect of this article falls short when compared to the tables withing DCR’s link. I appreciate the effort to make a summary, but the content is not up to the implication from the title.


4 years ago
Reply to  someguyinpdx

If you’re going to include trainer road how about Xert? They do the structured workouts too and do more to figure out your status (how worn out you are and the fitness test aspect)

4 years ago

Fulgaz? Great selection of routes and good training programs. – it’s like being there!

4 years ago
Reply to  Tom

I second that!!! Fulgaz has injected new life into my indoor trainer routine. Granted, I never do structured workouts or races on Zwift so just kinda got tired of it. The 4K video and smooth video of routes I’d never be able to see let alone ride has made it actually fun to ride the trainer!

Paul Wilson
Paul Wilson
4 years ago

Agreed – trainer road is a massive ommision. And there’s no real comparison in this article. I’ve used Trainer Road, Zwift and Bkool over the last 6 years and I’ve settled with Bkool. I bought a Bkool trainer 6 years ago, spent 2 years on Bkool, then 2 years on Zwift, a year on trainer Road, and I’m now back on Bkool. There is a big difference with how they work with your smart trainer – a 10% incline on Zwiyft only feels like a 5% incline, whereas on Bkool it does feel like a 10% incline. I really enjoyed the workouts on Trainer road, particularly the training plans, but sometimes I just want to go for an online ride (I’m a single dad I can’t just go out for a ride whenever). Riding on Zwift is a real please on the eye and it’s great to ride alongside other riders but I found Zwift workouts problematic – thought i think that’s more about compatibility issues with my Bkool trainer. So I settled with Bkool as it’s cheap (£8 a month) and has great rides, loads of workouts, and the best bit are the online leagues where you ride a different route a week over a period of a few months and have a GC leaderboard. As 90% of users are on Bkool trainers, you know it’s a much more level playing field than Zwift

4 years ago

I tried to create an account for my boy who is 14 on Zwift. There is a prompt, however, asking if you are at least 16. If you are not then you cannot create an account.

John Kugler
John Kugler
4 years ago

Tacx is missing from your list. I have been using their training software and real life videos for the past 12 years and find their high quality films much more interesting than gamified computer generated graphics.

4 years ago

This statement in the TR contains an error:

“PRICE: $20/month, $190/yr. If you buy an annual subscription, it also lets you add a second family member for free.”

There is no “second member free” with the annual sub option. Not sure where you got that info, but it’s very wrong.

4 years ago
Reply to  Chader09

Hmmmm….seems Chad has a deep insight into trainer road. Would be best if he let everyone know a professional affiliation, just in case there is one?

4 years ago

Would love to have more of a comparison. Like how good each platform is at training (good structured training vs just getting you out more) as that is very different from just enjoying a ride or racing

4 years ago

I prefere Rouvy

4 years ago

Try BigRingVR, many lists seem to forget this great platform with nearly 400HD rides. 11 rides can now be used for free due to COVID-19 situation under ‘Its you World, ride it!’ Challenge

Bruno wiley
Bruno wiley
4 years ago

Thanks for the blog. You might want to add Tacx as it does exactly what the other ones are.
On the other hand, could you please add a comparison grid with the key features a rider/athlete would consider? otherwise it s hard to understand the differences between the products listed.
Actually some of the comments added by your readers were super interesting and could be just added to your article.
Thx, stay home and safe!
from dubai!

4 years ago

Indeed. Seems like a ‘top notch’ Car Show where the organisation has forgotten to invite Rolls-Royce…

In Belgium we had a virtual Tour of Flanders, due to corona regulations, with 13 famous pros of which Greg Van Avermaet won the race.

It was organised on the Bkool platform. The race itself was really exciting but the ‘video’ ( animation of the gpx data transformed in a virtual world ) was ugly as hell and a Tour of Flanders unworthy. Video and real-life feeling were crap.

Tacx doesn’t even let you make your own video’s to upload them. But in the same time they also strive for very high quality and release on a regular basis HD video’s made by their own team. Roads and places that really have cycling legend instead of nitwit virtual worlds that don’t even make you think of the original places if it wouldn’t be mentioned in the title of the ride.

Unbelievable that an institute like Tacx has been forgotten in this ‘Every Indoor Training Platform Comparison’… This organisation should first question itself instead of the indoor training platforms…

Jim M
Jim M
4 years ago
Reply to  MarcVD

I have to agree that leaving out Tacx is odd, especially since their logo is right there in plain view! (very first image in Zwift review)

Greg Stephens
4 years ago

I really like Rouvy, but I was surprised to read “4,000” workouts. Doesn’t seem to be true — I just went back in to check and there are a handful of workouts in each category: rouvy guides, cyclops, trainer peaks, hunter allen, intervals, ramp tests. All told, 48 workouts. I’d love to be wrong on this, so if someone out there has some insight, please me know. Thanks for giving us a synopsis to base our explorations from. Cheers. Greg

Casey G | Rouvy
4 years ago
Reply to  Greg Stephens

Hey Greg, Casey from Rouvy here. On the main screen you’ll see a number of workouts and pre-made folders, but if you use the search or filter function you can see there thousands of user-made and professional workouts available. You can filter by TSS, distance, duration, and other parameters. Hope this helps!


Chung min hsu
Chung min hsu
4 years ago

Rouvy do not Support ant+ sensores , only in june 2020

Dan Pollock
Dan Pollock
4 years ago

Any particular reason why BigRingVR is omitted from this list?

4 years ago

One more free and or more affordable option is https://trainerday.com with over 10,000 community based workouts and training plans. Now their is both an iOS and Android apps for training.

4 years ago

Zwift as a reality incline setting, which defaults to 50%, I suspect
that’s why you were feeling 10% climbs as 50%

4 years ago

Trainer Road description is included. However, inaccurate information about the Family Sharing. They do not offer this.

4 years ago

Would any option allow me to cycle a virtual Canada coast to coast route (over many days of course!)?

4 years ago

Anyone know when Veloton will be released to the public?

4 years ago

Thank you for this article…I am just entering the world of indoor bike training and am SO excited to go through the trials on each of these to choose which I like best…but you gave me a great starting point to work with!

Richard Gerson
Richard Gerson
4 years ago

I have used Bkool for 14 months on a Tacx neo 2. Enormous variety of rides: video and 3D on all distances. Also set workouts (and created my own HIITs) plus Velodrome rides. Ability to see location of other riders is an incentive to push. Really impressed by the variety and periodic updates. Recommended !

Scott Bechtel
Scott Bechtel
4 years ago

I’m tired of Zwift’s pricing and looking for alternatives. Great summary. Thanks.

4 years ago

Try Rouvy, they really have cost effective pricing for a comprehensive offering riding real routes, in training or racing mode with others. Absolutely amazing! My happy place for sure!

1 year ago
Reply to  LaurenW

Especially now that they introduced the new subscription plans for groups. For 32.99 EUR/month you get 5 user accounts, so for one it is something below 7EUR/month. That is great considering the quality of the platform.

Gonzalo Guillen
Gonzalo Guillen
4 years ago

I´ve being a user of bkool for more than a year now, before I commited I did evaluate and read a lot of the market offers -zwift, rouvy, sufferfest, tacx, etc…- Bkool was the best option when thinking on price, features, social aspect and my riding style. I do still believe it is a big promise, and I love to support emerging enterprises to promote a better market offer, but in this covidic world it is not fullfilling its compromises.

Example, when you are in velodrome -great feature- and people starts getting into the sessions, and competence is gettting really fun, and you are several kilometers in… the amount of participants (around 35) crash the session and you are taken out of the app. Loses your connection and all your effort records get lost. The only option is to open a new solo session and finish your daily workout in a frustrated loneliness after being adrenilazed in a multiparticipant session (highly recomended when it used to work).

Second, example, lately you are not able to set up goals, like splits or effort targets in your scheduled personal sessions, which are great options when they work, as you progress or your training needs change they are key to have the desired perfomance.

What is a social app without the social aspect? What is a training app without a way to set up targets?

Can you write or investigate more about it? As I said, I do believe it is a good promise, but it is getting short.

Note: Customer support is not the best either.
Funny Murphy´s laws fact: Issues arised 1 weeks after I payd my second yearly subscription fee, hehehe!

Lauren Wolff
4 years ago

Why not try Rouvy for a feature called lapped or crit racing? It’s a lot of fun and you get your lapped splits. You can read more about how it works here: https://blog.rouvy.com/en/311/Introduction-of-Multi-Lap-and-Group-Ride-in-Beta

Andy H
Andy H
3 years ago

I’m not sure what it is, but Rouvy’s race and group ride physics are horrible. I did my first race/group ride and it was a really poor experience. Not realistic at all and there is no way it could be fun the way it is currently working. Too bad because the roads and ride experience is otherwise good.

3 years ago

As a 30 year indoor cyclist (Johny G now Schwinn /Peloton) I was amazed to learn of these trainer options. Does anyone know if you can turn an indoor spin bike into a trainer bike?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jil

What I know (I read that somewhere) is that 70% of Kinomap’s users train on fitness equipment like spinning bikes, rowing machines, treadmills etc. But as long as your spinning bike has a power meter or alternatively a speed/cadence sensor I don’t see why you could not use other Training platforms.

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