Fabio Wibmer is back with another jaw-dropping trials movie; this time its a real tribute to the times, featuring Fabio making the most of otherwise mundane Home Office props during lockdown in his Austrian home. OK, a swimming pool and a trampoline aren’t your average pieces of Home Office furniture, but Fabio Wibmer isn’t your average bike rider. Kick back in amazement as Fabio “does what he can’t” on his prototype Canyon street trails bike, including outtakes!
Feature image by Hannes Berger
Fabio Wibmer: Home Office
A video by Hannes Berger
Home Office was shot in Fabio’s house in Innsbruck over the last four weeks and shooting it was everything but easy. “We knew we wouldn’t be allowed to leave the house for a while and despite not really knowing how long the lockdown would last, we wanted to put something together which would let people take their mind off of things. Even if it was for just for five minutes we wanted to provide an escape from what’s going on in the world and put smiles on faces,” says the 24-year-old Austrian.

“At the same time, we of course wanted to make sure we didn’t take unnecessary risks or show anything dangerous – it was extremely important not to get hurt, we wanted to avoid that at all costs. This is why we had to get creative with what we had. As we could only film in the house and in the garden, we needed to plan everything, try everything, to see what would and what would not work. For some of the tricks, we needed more than 600 tries. The Dude Perfect guys would give us a big thumbs up.”

More information about how Home Office was made and the work that went into it can be seen in the link below in a special 20-minute Behind-the-Scenes feature.