Found this at Costco for under $8/bottle and had it with some steak and spaghetti the other night.  It was better with the food (actually, complimented the steak quite nicely) than on its own, but is quite sippable.  Cono Sur gets it name from the Southern cone of South America and they get their grapes from Chile, on the Western coast.  (It’s also a play on words: connoisseur)
Their website, which is decidedly unglamorous for a wine brand, explains the reason for bicycles on many of their labels.  They work with farmers to get organic grapes and use other sustainable business practices.  In particular, they are the first winery to be certified as using carbon neutral delivery to get their wines from the press to the stores (done through CO2 reduction and offset programs, not hybrid tractor trailors…yet.)
As for the bicycle itself, here’s their story:
“Our bicycle symbolizes our strong and passionate commitment to the environment when making top quality wines. That’s why amongst the lush vines, lots of bicycles can be found, resting against walls and propped up on the end of rows of vines. It’s the way our workers move around the vineyards every day, in order to protect the land where they work in. Relaxed, taking their time, enjoying the journey: sometimes returning to bicycle basics is all we need.”