There is no question that most who have seen it, have enjoyed Martyn Ashton’s Road Bike Party video series. As much as we wish they didn’t happen, injuries are often a price we pay when riding at the razor’s edge… some far more serious than others. Martyn had a life-changing injury in 2013 dislocating his T9 and T10 vertebrae leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. Though the moral support has been extraordinary, the financial burdens are building up fast as even the best insurance policies don’t cover much past the initial “treatment”.
Like any responsible person, if you need money, you consider selling anything from stocks to baked goods, even personal items like bikes. Martyn decided to sell his coveted Conalgo C59 road bike that he, Danny MacAskill and Chris Akrigg rode in the film Road Bike Party 2 in order to pay for additional therapy, (expensive) home modifications, and exercise equipment. His facebook friends called BS on this idea and talked him into putting up a GoFundMe page instead. To say Martyn has his fan’s support is an understatement by the looks of this fundraiser that is only 2 days old.
Cheers to Martyn, his family & friends….. and especially his supporters, from the Bikerumor family. Click past the break after hitting Martyn’s GoFundMe page to read a note from Martyn and watch Road Bike Party 2…. again!
Martyn, Chris Akrigg, and Danny MacAskill come together for what would be one of the best collaborations in cycling in Road Bike Party 2.
From Martyn:
“My name is Martyn and I was a Professional Mountain Bike rider for over 20 years until I suffered a life changing Spinal Cord Injury in 2013.
I’m a positive person and still very much enjoy life to the full. I remain very pro-active with my personal fitness and want to be able to maintain that healthy lifestyle into the coming years.
I’ve set this page up in response to a post I placed on my Facebook page , where I asked if anyone would be interested in buying my C59 Colnago road bike, the sale of which could help towards funding physiotherapy, house mods and adapted gym equipment.
Sounds simple eh?
The Colnago bike in question was used by Myself, Danny MacAskill and Chris Akrigg in the film Road Bike Party 2 (which you can watch below).
My fantastic friends on Facebook really, really want me to keep the bike, but still be able to plan my rehab and physio in 2016. The general conscensous was I should set this page up instead. So here it is guys 😉
I’m very grateful for all the incredible support I receive each and everyday. Thank you all for that, you are awesome”.