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Gear Closeout Website – Invite Only, But We Have Access Codes!

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Department of Goods is a new online blowout site for all sorts of sporting and athletic gear, including bike stuff, from the folks at Backcountry.com with brands like The North Face, Marmot, Oakley, Volcom, Burton, Rocky Mountain, and Giro.  Right now, it’s invite only, so here’s the first of 10 VIP secret access codes we have:


The other nine will be doled out here, via Twitter and through our Facebook page over the next few days.  If you’re not already a Fan or a Follower, now’s as good a time as any.  Why?  Because 1-in-10 beta invitees that use the code get their order for free, and they’re giving away $200,000 in free gear as surprises when you order.  Each code is only good for one entry to the site, so it’s first come first serve.

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15 years ago

This looks eerily like the same product that realcyclist.com and bonktown.com has on their sites. Down to the same prices.

15 years ago

yup, yet another backcountry.com website… how many do they have now???

huck-n-roll, realcyclist, bonktown, steepandcheap, chainlove, whiskeymilitia, tramdock, brociety, backcountry, backcountryoutlet… NOW department of goods… I’m sure I’m missing some too.

15 years ago

This one’s pretty slick because it has all of the steep discount prices at once rather than one at a time like chainlove and the rest. Seems they price certain sizes or colors differently based on stock quantities too. I bought a vest and they threw in a pair of gloves as a bonus.

15 years ago

I used that access codes, and it let me in. I can see the items, fill my cart, and even sign-in with my existing bonktown/backcountry account info. I surely wasn’t the first to use it. Should it be kicking me out? I’m confused….what’s happening here?

15 years ago

I used the access code and didn’t use my existing backcountry account info and it worked. It kicked back my credit card info the first few times – then finally figured out that it was blanking my email address every time it reset – and I was just reentering the credit card info without realizing the blank a page up. That wasn’t very clear, but it all went through on the fourth try. Pretty cool – I found a wind vest I’ve been trying to find for my wife that nobody else has had in stock.

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