While it may not immediately help traffic lights turn green like some on-the-bike solutions we’ve seen, the latest update for ImageSensing Solutions‘ Autoscope traffic cameras will at least make sure bicycles are recognized as they near and pass through intersections.
This data could help traffic planners account for the growing number of cyclists using the roads and adapt the flow, timing and other factors accordingly. From the press release:
(The new Autoscope Cyclescope feature) enhances bicycle detection capability and adds the ability to differentiate between bicycles and motorized vehicles as they approach the junction. A significant advantage to Cyclescope is that it doesn’t require additional roadway markings, product purchases or equipment installations or maintenance. “The Autoscope Cyclescope feature takes bicycle detection to the next level. It can detect AND differentiate bicycles made of any material on any approaching lane at no additional cost to the partner, customer, or end user,” said Keith Hofkens, Product Manager at Image Sensing Systems.
The Cyclescope feature allows traffic engineers to offer bicycle timings in their traffic control strategy with minimal changes to the junction control configuration, without having to make changes to the traffic controller. Agencies can configure the data collection to help them demonstrate the success of their bicycle-friendly programs.